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    Ptaki wodno-błotne Stawów Bestwińskich i Komorowickich w latach 1995–1999
    (Instytut Ochrony Przyrody PAN, 2005) Szyra, Dariusz; Szyra, Romuald; Katowickie Koło Sekcji Ornitologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Zoologicznego; Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków – grupa lokalna CZAPLON
    The study concerning waterfowl of two neighbouring fishponds complexes – in Bestwina and Komorowice villages near Czechowice-Dziedzice – was carried on in the years 1995–1999. The ponds are situated in the western part of the Upper Wistula Valley that is a waterfowl refuge of European importance (Heath, Evans 2000). There are over 60 small reservoirs in Bestwina, with total surface 80 ha. In Komorowice 18 ponds occupy also about 80 ha (Fig. 1). The Goczałkowicki Reservoir, an important site of waterfowl, is located not far from the research area. The fishponds are fed with waters of the tributaries of the Biała river, running in the distance of 50–150 m to the west of them. The ponds are poorly overgrown by rush vegetation, with dominating Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia. Altogether 85 controls were done; the waterfowl censuses were estimated according to the methods described by Borowiec et al. (1981) and Ranoszek (1983). The number of 55 species related to wetlands, including 28 breeding or probably breeding species were recorded. However, as much as 14 of them were nesting sporadically or irregularly (Tab. 1). In spite of relatively poor breeding waterfowl population, a few broods of such endangered on European scale (acc. to Tucker et al. ed. 1994) species as Ixobrychus minutus, Nycticorax nycticorax (?), Anas strepera, Anas querquedula, Anas clypeata, Aythya ferina, Tringa totanus, Alcedo atthis, Acrocephalus scirpaceus, Emberiza schoeniclus were recorded. The described fishponds complexes have a low importance for breeding and passage birds in Silesia. According to Stawarczyk (2001), their rank is small. However, every 5 years, twice a breeding season, controls of the site should be done.
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    Comparative Thermal Behaviour Study of Thermal Layers Made Out of Woven and Nonwoven Fabric Using FR Viscose and p-Aramid Fibres
    (Sciendo, 2023-10-18) Chauhan, Shweta; Parmar, M S; Sisodia, Nidhi; National Institute of Fashion Technology, Kannur, India; Northern India Textile Research Association, Ghaziabad, India
    Nine 1/1 plain weave fabric samples were developed using various combinations of low-twist ring spun yarns and rovings of FR viscose, p-aramid, and their blends. The three woven combinations were yarn/yarn, yarn/roving, and roving/roving. These fabric samples were compared for mechanical and thermal properties with needle-punched non-woven fabric samples. The radiant heat transfer index (RHTI24) and convective heat transfer index (HTI24) of the woven and non-woven fabrics were determined. In all samples, the HTI24 - HTI12 and RHTI24 - RHTI12 values were more than 4 seconds, which suggested that there was enough time between experiencing pain and sustaining second-degree burns.
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    Development of Antimicrobial and Antistatic Textile for Industrial Air Management Systems
    (Sciendo, 2023-10-18) Repon Md. Reazuddin; Gofman, Rasa; Ragaišiene, Audrone; Mikučioniene, Daiva; Milašius, Rimvydas; Department of Production Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Design, Kaunas University of Technology,Kaunas, Lithuania
    Textile air management systems are used in modern buildings to improve overall indoor air quality. During use and storage, industrial textiles are negatively affected by microbes. Adding biocide to synthetic fibres can control the detrimental effects of antimicrobial finishing on textiles. Antimicrobial textiles have seen a rapid increase in demand due to consumers’ concern over hygiene and active lifestyles as well as with the aim to improve overall functionality. An antimicrobial treatment with a long lifespan, that is, resistant to washing, is presented in this paper. A new commercial antimicrobial product named Si Bac-Pure was used in woven polyester fabrics to treat them against bacteria. The antimicrobial activity was measured after twenty washing and drying cycles. Good antimicrobial and antifungal activity is produced in treated fabrics after treatment with the stated finishing agents. The antimicrobial treatment has significant antistatic properties that are important for industrial air management systems.
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    Analysis on Chinese Ming Pibian Forms, Techniques and Social Functions
    (Sciendo, 2023-10-18) Hao, Jixu; Niu, Li; School of Design, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China
    The pibian (皮弁, pronounced as pì biàn in Chinese) is a kind of cap specific to China. Before the Ming dynasty (1368-1644), it was made of deer hide, while in the Ming dynasty, it was woven with bamboo filament. Through analysis on the forms, techniques and materials used in the pibian preserved, we discovered that pibian displayed a superb artisanship level. The sign of status was depicted through the pibian’s structures and ornaments in an ingenious way, and its structures and components were closely linked with the social culture.
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    Development of Sheepskin Processing Technology Using Whey
    (Sciendo, 2023-10-18) Sydykova, Gulzhamal; Smagulova, Zauresh; Moisseyeva, Yelena; Semey branch of LLP “Kazakh Research Institute of Processing and Food Industry”, Semey, Republic of Kazakhstan
    In this study, the possibility of using whey as a preservative and aldazan as an antiseptic was studied in order to reduce the consumption of sodium chloride, enhance the effect of preservation, and reduce the duration of sheepskin processing during preservation. The whey-salt method proposed for preserving raw sheepskin allows to reduce the consumption of sodium chloride through the use of whey in preservative compositions by up to 50%, the duration of the process of processing skins in comparison with the traditional method by 1.5-2 times (traditional method - 80 hours, proposed - 54-56 hours), the preservation process from 8 to 4 hours, the drying process from 72 to 48-50 hours, the cost of the preservation process, as well as the water consumption and pollution of wastewater from enterprises.