Computer-based strategy for fault location and service restoration in electric power distribution systems
This paper presents a method for solution the problem of optimization of the process of faulted section localization, with the simultaneous re-routing of supply to customers. The criterion fiunction in the model is the expected cost to the customer as a result of the break in supply together with the costs of the fault localization process. To solve the problem the original algorithm based on the branch and bound method was worked out. The original methods for the division of the solution set and the evaluation of the lower limits of the criterion function for the subset of solutions were developed. A computer program was designed to support utility control engineers, offering advice on fault location and restoration switching strategies.
J. Nazarko, Computer-based strategy for fault location and service restoration in electric power distribution systems, Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference, Power and Energy Systems, November 19-22, 2001, Clearwater (Tampa), Florida, USA, pp. 368-373