Wywłaszczeni z miejsca. O audiowizualności miasta i problemach z tożsamością jego mieszkańców na początku XXI w.
Seeing sets our place in the surrounding world about which the ubiquitous screens convince a modern inhabitant: LED displays, monitors of the video games, cash machines, MP4 players etc. Located in the iconosphere of a town, the screens constitute a new space causing "loss of a place and projection". A screen image is an alternative text to the first reality and it is simulated, received more tangibly than visually which causes a new sense of space, based not on the territory but on the community in the picture transmission. A screen ceases to engage a passer-by and becomes an indication of a non-place which Marc Augé characterises through: the exchange of the place for anthropological space, uncertainty of the materialisation of space and the primacy of vision over the experience of space. Non-places do not create identity or relations, but only similarity and loneliness. The plane of the "meeting" is the consumerism attitude, and an identity based on a continuous consumption might be called transparent.
Adam Regiewicz, Wywłaszczeni z miejsca. O audiowizualności miasta i problemach z tożsamością jego mieszkańców na początku XXI w. , "Anthropos?" 2015, nr 24