Fatigue Tests of Nodular Cast Iron at High and Low Frequency Loading
The paper deals with the comparison of fatigue tests of nodular cast iron at high and low frequency cyclic loading. Fatigue tests were realised at high and low frequency sinusoidal cyclic push-pull loading (stress ratio R = –1) at ambient temperature (T = 20 +/- 5 °C). High frequency fatigue tests were carried out with using the ultrasonic fatigue testing device KAUP-ZU (frequency f = 20 kHz); low frequency fatigue tests were carried out with using the fatigue experimental machine Zwick/Roell Amsler 150HFP 5100 (frequency f 120 Hz).
Vaško, A., Vaško, M. (2016). Fatigue tests of nodular cast iron at high and low frequency loading [Únavové skúšky liatiny s guľôčkovým grafitom pri vysoko a nízkofrekvenčnom zaťažovaní]. In: Jacek Pietraszek, Dorota Klimecka-Tatar (Eds.). Technical aspects of materials quality : monography. (pp. 9-19). Częstochowa: Stowarzyszenie Menedżerów Jakości i Produkcji (SMJiP. ISBN 978-83-63978-34-1. -