Rozwój europejskiej polityki cyfrowej

Modern information and communication technologies (ICT) have a signifi‑ cant impact on society and economy. This influence gets more and more inter‑ est from researchers and public authorities. The information society influences most areas of life, hence it requires ajoint action in the fields of communication, copyright, data protection, cybercrime, R&D, trade, fair competition and con‑ sumer protection. There is a particularly relevant question about an integrated policy towards ICT by international organizations and states. Although EU has only recently addressed the issue of ICT, this phenomenon is becoming pro‑ gressively more far‑reaching. The main objective of this study was to investigate European Union’s policy on information society.
Posłajko, R. (2014). Rozwój europejskiej polityki cyfrowej. Poliarchia, 2, 37-1. DOI: 10.12797/Poliarchia.02.2014.02.03
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