Comparison of phenylethanoids content in Rhodiola kirilowii and Rhodiola rosea roots applying a newly developed UPLC-MS/MS method
A concentration of two phenylethanoids in the roots of two species:Rhodiola kirilowii and rosea were compared, aqueous and hydroalcoholic extracts from those plants were also analyzed. In order to determine the content of p-tyrosol and salidroside, the ultra performance liquid chromatography connected with a tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-ESI MS/MS, Waters) was used. The obtained results shown that content of measured phenylethanoids depends on Rhodiola species. Roots of R. kirilowii contain more p-tyrosol, while R. rosea roots are reacher in salidroside. Our results indicate that the application of UPLC MS/MS method allows to determine the phenylethanoids content in tested samples with satisfactory precision.