The Problem of Adjusting Polish Spatial Information Resources to the Standards of the INSPIRE
Problematic aspects concerns the development problems and difficulties encountered in adapting Polish Spatial Information resource to the standards prevailing in the European Union, introduced by the INSPIRE Directive, ratified by the European Parliament in 2007. The study demonstrated that the differences between the application diagram database of Geodetic Registration of Infrastructure Networks included in Polish regulations, and the target model proposed by European guidelines, limit the possibilities of exchanging data without modification, which is inconsistent with the provisions of the INSPIRE Directive. On the basis of the existing normative acts, which are the legal basis for creating a database of Geodetic Registration of Infrastructure Networks they presented their main aims and objectives implementation. Brought closer definitions and characteristics of Geodetic Utilities Network System by provisions which determined the shape of the previous years, and which are already in Poland do not apply. The principles to be followed when working on the creation of object-oriented databases of Geodetic Registration of Infrastructure Networks contained in the existing normative acts. An example, popular in our country system, optimized for creating, updating and sharing of databases. Describes the methodology to carry out this process, depending on the source of the materials obtained. It shows the process of creating spatial databases, and the problems and difficulties that this brings. Brought closer the subject of interoperability created databases and harmonization of Polish law with respect to European guidelines.