Początki radia w Czechosłowacji - narodziny wspólnoty słuchaczy
Beginnings of the radio in Czechoslovakia - birth of the community of listeners The article attempts to describe and analyze consequences of the appearance of the radio in Czechoslovakia. The radio is not just another form of communication. It generates new behaviors and modifes interpersonal relationships. The radio creates nonexistent cultural institutions. Therefore, it has a potential of making changes at bases of culture. The broadcasting of the Czechoslovak radio began on May 18th 1923. The first achievement of the radio development was relocating the public into the private. Besides, information became mass-accessible. The consequence of it was the rising of the community [Gemeinschaft], which was stronger than artificially created borders and the imposed public administration, because based on mental community. The radio contributed to the rising of the public. It is necessary to point out that the radio was quickly devoid of its dominant position in mass-communication, but it is inevitable to remember that the radio initiated the changes that were intensified by cinema and television.