Settings Parameters for Aerial Pesticides Application Using Gyroplane

The operational effectivity of pesticide application on small areas of forests (<5 ha) could be improved e.g. by using gyroplanes. The gyroplane is powered by standard automotive fuel, and can be operated without airport infrastructure. For safe and efficient use of such technology an elaboration of working settings is needed. Three most widely used insecticides for protection of Polish forests were tested. In the conducted study new applications parameters (forward speed, flow rate) adapted to gyroplane were used. The rotating atomisers AU 7000 were adapted to gyroplane, to receive the application of insecticides, similar to quality received by aircraft. Additionally, the same dose rates of tank mixes were tested, but for application speed optimized for gyroplane (100 km/h).
Czaczyk Z., Fritz B.K., Hoffmann W.C., Majewski S. 2017. Settings Parameters for Aerial Pesticides Application Using Gyroplane. [in:] Lorencowicz E. (ed.), Uziak J. (ed.), Huyghebaert B. (ed.). Farm Machinery and Processes Management in Sustainable Agriculture, 9th Int. Scient. Symp. ULS Lublin, p. 87-91