Dylematy i przesłanki związane z przyjęciem euro przez Polskę
By joining the European Union (EU) on May 1, 2004, Poland was obliged to adopt the euro. However, no target date for this was specified. 15 years after accession the Polish membership in the EU is assessed positively from the financial point of view. Especially, positive appraisal is related to tremendous benefits obtained by Poland thanks to EU funds, regulations and standards. Despite these benefits, Poland is not taking decisive actions related to the adoption of the common currency. This can be explained by the complexity of the matter. This article aims at indicating and highlighting the problems associated with adoption of the euro by Poland. The author points to certain related dilemmas, as well as attempts to answer the question whether there are assumptions or instruments that could encourage Poland to prompt euro adoption. If so – what are they? If not – why and what can be done to make Poland take actions to join eurozone.
Szpringer, Z. (2019). Dylematy i przesłanki związane z przyjęciem euro przez Polskę. Studia BAS, 3(59), 173–202. https://doi.org/10.31268/StudiaBAS.2019.26