(Auto)portret intelektualny Antoniego Rehmana a formy komunikacji z czytelnikami w "Kilku kartkach z Kaukazu"
The subject of this article is a forgotten text, "A few Pages form the Caucasus. Passages from a Journey Previously not Announced in Print, Made in 1873", published in 1879 in the "Pamiętnik Towarzystwa Tatrzańskiego" [Tatra Society Memoir] by Antoni Rehman, a Galician scholar, traveller and plant collector. The author of the article endeavours to identify elements of an intellectual (self)portrait of Rehman, evident in the author’s strategies of describing the region. The author of the article examines Rehman’s research sensitivity, characteristics of his professional ethos and, finally, his subjectivity as a traveller and as an author of travel accounts. The author of the article continually confronts the portrait of the scholar prepared in this way with Rehman’s visible need to communicate with a readership not versed in scientific research. Furthermore, the author of the article situates the above-mentioned examination in a postcolonial perspective. This, however, is not done in a way that would exhaust the topic, but as a supplement to the postcolonial portrayal of Rehman, which already exists in literature of this field.
Pękalska, Dominika (2021). (Auto)portret intelektualny Antoniego Rehmana a formy komunikacji z czytelnikami w "Kilku kartkach z Kaukazu". Napis, XXVII, s. 231-252. http://doi.org/10.18318/napis.2021.1.14