The economy and ecology of queer, east and west

Starting from the older meaning of the word "queer" as referring to counterfeit money, the article looks at queer strategies of naming and self-naming and how they relate to issues of identity, authenticity, and socio-political validity. The author argues against the current modes of identity-based sexual politics and calls for an 'ecologization' that will insist on the ultimate namelessness of queer subjectivities.
Starting from the older meaning of the word "queer" as referring to counterfeit money, the article looks at queer strategies of naming and self-naming and how they relate to issues of identity, authenticity, and socio-political validity. The author argues against the current modes of identity-based sexual politics and calls for an 'ecologization' that will insist on the ultimate namelessness of queer subjectivities.
"The economy and ecology of queer, east and west". W: Wor(l)ds in transition: studies in language, culture and literature, red. E. Borkowska, A. Łyda. Wyższa Szkoła Zarządzania Marketingowego i Języków Obcych. Katowice. 2004. 191-200