Impact of the pellets on the physical development and motor efficiency 12-year olds
Adult education of healthy, optimally developed physically, mentally, socially and culturally, is the art of difficult and imperfect. The aim of the work is the analysis of the results of research of motor efficiency and physical development on the background of pellets in boys and girls in fifth grade of elementary school, the tests should reveal the differences obtained research parameters on girls and boys, and their differentiation within the same gender. Material and methods. The tests covered were babies at the age of 12 years old students fifth grade elementary school with the team School-Preschool in Drewnica, located in the rural municipality of Stegna. Populations examined twenty girls and twenty boys, which was in the case of boys, 80% of the entire population, and the girls 100%. In order to determine the level of physical development of the following measurements: height of somatic performed body weight, percentage of body fat, shoulder width, the width of the hips. To assess the level of motor efficiency using International physical agility Test, 8 have been carried out trials on the following motor skills: speed – 50 m, explosive – both foots jump, stamina-course 800 m, the strength of your hand-squeezing of the dynamometer, the power of the absolute-girls overhang, agility-course swinging 4 x 10 m, the strength of the abdominal muscles with bed rest, suppleness in a slope in front of the trunk. Results. Observing the results of the measurement of body weight is to certify that the arithmetic mean is higher in girls and is x = 44.73 kg, while in boys x = 44.45 kg. weight varies among girls from Min = 28.1 kg to Max = 73.5 kg, standard deviation is sd = 12.65 kg. Measurements of boys are in the range of Min 31kg to Max = 97.5 kg. The standard deviation is sd = 15.57 kg. Conclusions. With the growth rate of lap - shoulder increased hip width (high correlation), the average correlation between increased average measurements of fat, run the 50m, 800m run, shuttle run. Index lap - shoulder showed a faint correlation of both positive and negative with the following values: body height, shoulder width, compression dynamometer overhang of arms bent and the slope of the trunk.