Tourism Clusters as the New Form of Tourism Destination Cooperation
In the process of identifying tourism destination success factors specie. attention should be paid to specific social and economic structures calle clusters or bunches. The functioning of entrepreneurs _and different entitie responsible for tourism traffic functioning, within the framework of sue. network structures, brings about numerous advantages not only for thes structures, but also for regions in which they function. The phenomenon ~ coopetition, i.e. simultaneous cooperation and competition with each other i more and more frequently experienced in tourism sector. Therefore;- tourisr. cluster may become an effective tool for winning competitive advantage a tourism market.
6. RAPACZ A., GRYSZEL P., JAREMEN D.E., (2010), Tourism cluster as the new form of tourism destination cooperation, [w] Management 2010. Knowledge and management in times of crisis and ensuing development, red. R. Štefko, M. Frankovský, P. Adamišin, Prešovska univerzita v Prešove, Prešov 2010, s. 546-553.