Krajobraz i jego walory w polskim prawie oraz percepcji społecznej
The terms "landscape" and "landscape qualities" are used in many legal statutes in Poland. Unfortunately, there are no directives which say exactly how they should be understood. The article discusses the scope of the term "landscape", taking into consideration Polish law and The European Landscape Convention. The popular interpretation of the term "landscape qualities" was conducted based on information obtain from an analysis of official community websites.
Gerlée A. (2008) Krajobraz i jego walory w polskim prawie oraz percepcji społecznej. [w:] Studia krajobrazowe jako podstawa właściwego gospodarowania przestrzenią, red. A. Zaręba i D. Chylińska, Zakład Geografii Regionalnej i Turystyki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, Wrocław. s. 301 - 308