Network Analysis of International Trade in Art in the European Community Countries
The issue of international trade in works of art in the European Community countries will be taken up in the paper. It will present the results of network analysis of unique art import and export. The analysis will be based on Eurostat international trade data (Harmonised System for Chapter 97 – works of art, collectors’ pieces and antiques). The analysis of international trade will be held according to respective kinds of works of art i.e.: paintings, drawings and pastels; collages, graphic arts, sculptures and antiques. The network analysis will be held in UCINET software while visualisation of trade relations among countries will be created in Netdraw. The presented paper proposes a new approach to analysis of international trade in art – network approach.
Bialynicka-Birula J., Network Analysis of International Trade in Art in the European Community Countries, 16th International Conference of the ACEI (The Association for Cultural Economics International), 9–12 June 2010, University of Copenhagen 2010