Formy wspierania klastrów w ramach funduszy strukturalnych Unii Europejskiej

Observations of phenomenon occurring particularly in developed economies reveal, that clusters influence innovativeness and competitiveness of both: cluster members and regional economies. Support of regional development based on cluster phenomenon is a new tool of regional politics in Poland, which is in reflected in Structural Funds programme documents. Clusters will be developed and supported by funds of Financial Perspectives 2007-2013 in accordance with Operational Programmes: Innovative Economy and Humań Capital, as well as Regional Operational Programmes, in which influence of clusters and cooperative networks on development of companies and regions is particularly outlined.
Baran, M. (2007). Formy wspierania klastrów w ramach funduszy strukturalnych Unii Europejskiej, "Przegląd Organizacji", Nr 3/2007, ss. 18-20.
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