Geopolityczne uwarunkowania rozwoju i zmian w przebiegu korytarzy tranzytowych w Europie Środkowej

Geopolitical conditions, spatial range and economic development level of the state influence its safety, foreign affairs policy and economical processes. The author defines the differences between political geography and geopolicy. The papers concerns the importance of geopolitical position of a country for development of transportation network. Changes of the geopolitical site in Central Europe in the years 1918-1945 has influenced the circumstances of transit lines forming. The author presents the conditions of transit lines existing and creating. There are also presented transit links in Eastern Europe after War World II and after geopolitical changes in 1989.
Wendt J. A.; 1997; Geopolityczne uwarunkowania rozwoju i zmian w przebiegu korytarzy tranzytowych w Europie Środkowej [w:] Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG; s. 57-87
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