Gospodarka morska Rumunii i w Polsce
Because of the events from the years 1989-1990 in Central and Southern Europe, a total change to the geopolitical situation of the region and the comprising countries occurred. In Romania there was, after a bloody revolution, a change to the political system, unfortunately not associated with economic reforms, unlike in Poland. The political and economic situation in Romania was additionally made very difficult by the civil war in the former Yugoslavia, which in the years 1990-2001 changed into conflicts with consecutive constituent republics. Changes to the economy may be visibly observed based on the changes in the amounts of transhipments in ports of Romania and Poland in the years 1990-1999. Changes to the transhipment amounts in turnovers of sea ports of Romania show differences in the course of the economic transformation, as a fall in the amounts of transhipments in sea ports lasted for a longer time and then it got stabilised at the level lower than the initial one (in 1990) reaching on average 40 million tons, constituting ca. 80% of the transhipment amounts from the late 1980s. In Poland, this index was ca. 110% for the comparable period. Similarly as changes to the transhipment amounts in sea ports there are changes to the size of the transport fleet. It is possible to see a distinct crisis and reduction of the fleet size, both concerning the number of units and the size of tonnage. Different tendencies are being shaped in the shipbuilding industry. Relatively cheap labour and almost world standards of shipbuilding have led to changes on the world shipbuilding market. After a several-year period of stagnation the number of orders have increased for units built in Romanian and Polish shipyards, yet it has not reached the level of the orders from 1995. A similar character to the crisis in the merchant marine has the fall in the number of units in the fleet of fishing vessels, both in Poland and Romania. In the perspective of the coming decade, the both countries, after accession to the European Union, will meet a strong competition of the present member countries (Poland) and the countries of the Black Sea basin (Romania).
Wendt J. A., Ilies A.; 2001; Gospodarka morska Rumunii i w Polsce [w:] Prace Komisji Geografii Komunikacji PTG; s. 67-76