Prawda w społeczeństwie pluralistycznym i tolerancyjnym

Truth in a pluralistic and tolerant society What is truth? It is quite rare to ask about truth in such a manner. We rather tend to discover the meeting points between truth and the object it concerns. However, existential verification of such consistence seems insufficient in many cases. So, how can we discover such conformity, especially in social life characterized by pluralism and tolerance? It would seem that communication is a particularly privileged way of discovering the truth. It is not, however, only a matter of communicating the truth in a subject-object relation. In such case we would have to do with just subjective truth. We rather mean a dialogue of subjects, preceded by their original and authority-based relation to objective truth. A pluralistic and tolerant society teaches us at the same time that complete truth is a task and not just simple fruit of logical reflection. Discovering truth demands its collective construing (pluralism) and humility towards it (tolerance of other ways of discovering it). It is only then that asking about truth has a chance to generate a genuine desire of authenticity and community in subjects seeking the truth.
Jarosław A. Sobkowiak, Prawda w społeczeństwie pluralistycznym i tolerancyjnym, Teologia i Moralność 2(2007) s. 49-64.
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