Application of the orthotropic Rankine-type model to masonry panels
The second author presented the orthotropic Rankine-type plasticity model for the analysis of structural problems in the plane stress state during the previous local seminar of IASS PC in Warsaw. The model included a maximum principal stress failure criterion of Rankine both for tension and compression regimes by incorporating the second order strength tensor. Within the framework of the finite element method for the elastoplasticity theory of small strains for softening/hardening materials, two yield surfaces resulting from the orthotropic principal stress criterion were implemented at the integration point level into the proprietary finite element program by means of user-defined subroutines. This paper demonstrates an application of the model to the analysis of a masonry panel. The numerical tests have been done in order to check the possibility of the model to reproduce an orthotropic behaviour of masonry panels with different tensile and compressive strengths along the material axes as well as different inelastic behaviour for each material axis after the own numerical implementation in the finite element code. The ability of the model to reproduce a failure mode of the panels is also of interest.