Marzenie jako zakorzenienie w świecie. Pytanie o sztukę życia a filozofia Gastona Bachelarda
The paper discusses main problems of Gaston Bachelard's philosophy of the dream and imagination: its relation to Bachelard's historical epistemology, some methodological problems and inspirations (psychoanalysis and phenomenology), theory of poetic imagination and its creation - a daydream. The aim of the paper is to present philosophical basis of the question of the art of living possible to find in Bachelard's thought. In his works, Bachelard underlines that every human being - through the power of the imagination - is strongly connected with the primary elements of the nature. In his philosophy, Bachelard also presents irrational aspects of human nature that appears in the process of the work of the poetic imagination. In the context of the art of living question, the most important requirement of Bachelard's philosophy is to try to achieve self-cognition - with consciousness of the complexity of human nature.
Marta Ples-Bęben, Marzenie jako zakorzenienie w świecie. Pytanie o sztukę życia a filozofia Gastona Bachelarda, "Anthropos?" 2013, nr 20-21