Szczęście: niespełnialny dogmat doby konsumpcjonizmu? Psychologiczne uwarunkowania poczucia dobrostanu a społeczno-kulturowa praktyka
The aim of this paper is to draw attention to the possibility of existence of fundamental paradox within consumer culture. In theory, it is considered to be a the culture of entertainment, pleasure and joy, however, the way it functions seems to be very distant from what positive psychologists view as the state of happiness, well-being. The text indicates the existence of basic psychological patterns that determine the perception of happiness (which are largely determined by the evolution of Homo sapiens' mind), and that may, in certain circumstances, turn against a person and plunge him into a dangerous, vicious circle of the what elusive and unattainable. According to the author, consumer culture and how it functions can contribute to the development of such dangers.
Tomasz Kozłowski, Szczęście: niespełnialny dogmat doby konsumpcjonizmu? Psychologiczne uwarunkowania poczucia dobrostanu a społeczno-kulturowa praktyka, "Anthropos?" 2013, nr 20-21