Dynamika religijności Romów na Słowacji – droga ku integracji czy wykluczeniu społecznemu?
The article presents the results of a research conducted by a group of Slovak researchers in the SIRONA 2010 project. Various spheres of life of Roma people influenced by the activity of registered and unofficial churches, religious groups and communities, have been put under analysis. The analysis, based on the indicators of social integration (WIS), referred to the changes affecting Roma societies subject to religious activity. The quality of social networks within the communities was examined, followed by the interpretation of their pro-integrative (pro-inclusive) or pro-exclusive potential.O artìklo sikavel so iklistilo katar-o rodlǎrimàta, save tradine Slovakiaqëre rodlǎrne dr-i mal e projektosqëri SIRONA 2010. Nakhavel tel-i analìza ververa sfère e Rromenqëre ʒivipnasqëre, pe savenθe keren jizdipen oficialone aj naoficialone khangerěnqëre mìsie thaj vi ververa dostimàta dr-e relàcia religialone grupençar. Pal-i skàla e sikavnenqëri pal-i sociàlo integràcia (SSI, gaʒikanes WIS), dikhlǎrdǒn o paruvimàta e rromane familienqëre, save si tel-i aktivitèta e religialone misienqëri. Dikhlǎrdǒn vi e dostipnasqëre relàcie, anda savenθe si somʒene o rodlǎrdine famìlie thaj, andar-aja perspektìva, vi o potenciàli e pro-integracialone (pro-inkluzialone) thaj pro-ekskluzialone socialone parametrenqëro.
Tatiana Podolinská, Tomáš Hrustič, Dynamika religijności Romów na Słowacji – droga ku integracji czy wykluczeniu społecznemu?, "Studia Romologica", 2011, nr 4, s. 125-151.