Bezrobocie przyczyną degradacji indywidualnej i społecznej
One of the basic elements of human life is work, which develops into the good, allowing man to realize himself, to shape his consciousness and influence his development at the individual and social level. The right to work, when reduced or negated – undermines the subject matter of work, which is the creativity of man. It questions the sense of the essence of work, diminishes responsibility for the common good, becomes a source of stress and leads to alienation. Everybody is called upon to contribute to common life and no one should be excluded from the labour market and pushed to the margins of social life. Exclusion of the individual from the labour market is the first factor when taking into consideration a person as deemed unemployed. Unemployment is understood as the state when the majority of people who are able and willing to work, cannot find employment, although they are seeking it and have the capacity to take it up. Today, unemployment is perceived primarily as a social and economic phenomenon. It affects all democracies with well-established market economies. Talking of unemployment as an economic and social phenomenon situates the man as ‘a production tool’, which in turn leads to the loss of his personal dignity. The presented article raises the issue of jobs and unemployment in Poland, its multidimensional effects, which adversely affect the functioning of man in a family, his local community and the whole society.
N.G. Pikuła, Bezrobocie przyczyną degradacji indywidualnej i społecznej, w: Wybrane zagadanienia z pomocy i integracji społecznej, red. J. Matejek, N.G. Pikuła, Wyda. <<scriptum>>, Kraków 2014.