Own Description of Theodor Leber's Journey to Bohemia in 1866

During his ophthalmological assistantship in Paris, Theodor Leber* (1840-1917) made acquain- tance with the American medical officer and correspondent Darley, who came in the mission to report on the situation after the battle of Königgrätz in the United States. The 26 year old Theodor Leber was im- mediately with fire and flame to travel with him and got hold of a visa issued at the Prussian Embassy in Paris on July 13, 1866. However, this battle had already taken place on July 3. All the wounded from the battlefield were supplied and transported away. But, it turned out that the hospitals were all still full of wounded of both sides, Prussia and Austria, and always have enough surgical operations to do. The war was not yet over, but the victorious Prussian army moved on to Vienna. Wounded soldiers were re trans- ported as quickly as possible to the hospitals around Sadowa. In this presentation, the description of the travelogue to Bohemia from Leber’s memoirs are rendered here in its entirety for the first time, starting by the departure in Paris up to the return to Paris. This text is followed by a comment.
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