OPEN Repository
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23441 archived items
Institutional Communities
- Loading...Police Academy in Szczytno [87]
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- Loading...Instytut Badań Literackich PAN [186]
- Loading...Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN [219]
- Loading...Instytut Chemii Organicznej PAN [163]
- Loading...Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS [21]
- Loading...Instytut Paleobiologii PAN [3]
- Loading...Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki WO UW [131]
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- Loading...Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu [92]
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Recent Submissions
Support for Polonia teachers and promotion of the Polish language
(Stowarzyszenie Naukowców Polaków Litwy (SNPL), 2017) Borowska, Barbara; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
The teaching of the Polish language and its promotion among Poles and people of Polish descent living abroad is a major component of national identity and the promotion of Polish tradition and culture. The main goal of the Polish State with regard to the fostering of Polish abroad is to reach the largest possible number of potential recipients, both Poles and persons of Polish heritage as well as foreigners. The question of teaching Polish is among the tougher issues faced by Poles living in Lithuania or Belarus. The most acute problem concerning the teaching of Polish at primary school is a complete lack of governmental funding in these states for the training of pre-school and primary teachers who work in Polish educational facilities or teach Polish and who have influence on the future of the language and the proper pronunciation of their pupils. The article presents the main goals, assumptions, and implementation of the project developed and managed by the Author, who focuses on the improvement of knowledge and skills, as well as qualifications of teachers who teach Polish and work in Polish with primary school pupils in Lithuania and Belorussia. The proposed “Seminar in Native Language Glottodidactics” has an educational and research character, comprising 45 lectures and 15 workshops for Polonia teachers, and lasting 6 days in a row. Three training sessions have been proposed for 60 teachers in Wilno, Grodno and Baranowicze. The culmination of the project will be a studio visit to Poland for the participating teachers, which will have an educational and integrating role to play, as well as an international conference organized by the Institute of Pedagogy at John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, in collaboration with the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences and the State University of Grodno. The glottodidactic approach to the teaching of Polish abroad, combined with concern for the transmission of the Polish rich cultural heritage is a new challenge for the whole Polish schooling system. The aims of the project are in line with attempts to create significant educational solutions to benefit Polish language education not only in Lithuania and Belarus but also in other countries. The author of the project assumes that the conducted tasks will prove a significant contribution to the work of Polonia teachers. They will help to establish cooperation and links with teachers and educational facilities in Poland, contributing to development of new efficiency standards against which to measure the effectiveness of the training of teachers of Polish beyond the borders of Poland.
What qualities should a teacher have to be able to teach children to read and write in an easy and enjoyable manner?
(Les Acteurs du Savoir, Angers, 2017) Borowska, Barbara; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
In today’s world, requirements regarding communication are increasing. Proper communication behaviours are desirable not only at school but primarily out of school. In adult life, they allow one to find a job or a suitable position. We know that a well-spoken person has an easier life. The modern teacher should pay attention to language education of children and the youth at every stage of their schooling, but mainly children at the pre-school age or early at school. Therefore, teachers should teach the correct variety of spoken native language, in other words, correct communication behaviours. In today’s Polish educational system this aspect is profoundly neglected. Teachers should run systematic ortophonic exercises, designed to improve the function of the tongue, lip and soft palate. Well-trained teachers will have essential knowledge and skills to work with children with a lisp for this group is the most numerous at pre-school and during the first school stage. They should run many pronunciation exercises to improve those children’s clarity of speech. Teachers should conduct emission exercises and pay attention to the way children use their vocal folds. A modern teacher should be a good therapist who can help each pupil who has not been taught to read and write. Such training is possible with the innovative glottodidactic native language method, developed and perfected by Professor Bronisław Rocławski. Using his long-time research conducted since 1972 in Polish preschools and schools, prof. B. Rocławski has authored an educational system that focuses on reading and writing abilities of young children. In 2016, the Author started her research among teachers and students of various educational establishments, focusing on the effectiveness of this method. The outcomes of the research will be analysed by means of standard statistical tools. The paper presents a theoretical background of teaching how to read and write used in native language glottodidactics developed by Professor B. Rocławski, making a reference to research carried out in 2016 by the Author of this paper. The main thesis of the paper derives from the assumption that: A teacher with glottodidactic skills is able to teach children the spoken and written variety of Polish and suitable communicative responses. He or she should help each pupil who has not been taught to read and write.
Aktualność teologicznego ujęcia przysięgi małżeńskiej
(Redakcja Wydawnicza Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 2017-03-14) Pyźlak, Grzegorz; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
The aim of the article is to directly address the awareness of the contemporary man and present him the importance of the marriage vow in the theological view. In His teaching Christ confirms that marriage, as the foundation of the family, reąuires love, fidelity and marital honesty as well as indissolubility in the mutual and total gift of the man andthe woman. The unity of marriage ofthe two which is built in such a way does not destroy the personality of any of the spouses but it enriches them. It also reflects the teaching ofthe Church about the sacramental naturę of marriage as an indissoluble covenant. What is morę, such an approach becomes a security and support for the new life which is to be born in the Catholic marriage. A child certainly needs both security and stability which are to be given to him by his faithful parents. In the contemporary times the theological view ofthe marital vow is morę and morę often being replaced by other views of marriage introduced by morę particular sciences. This can enhance manipulation which presents the theological view of the marriage vow as too demanding for the contemporary people.
Zasady postępowania diagnostycznego w badaniach uczniów ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi i rozwojowymi.
(Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji, 2017) Domagała-Zyśk, Ewa; Dłużniewska, Agnieszka; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II; Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej w Warszawie
Standardy i wskazówki przygotowywania oraz adaptacji narzędzi diagnostycznych i procesu diagnostycznego dla dzieci i młodzieży z lekką niepełnosprawnością intelektualną oraz trudnościami w uczeniu się
(2017) Domagała-Zyśk, Ewa; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II