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Coping with stress and the sense of quality of life in inmates of correctional facilities
(Polskie Towarzystwo Psychiatryczne, 2018) Skowroński, Bartłomiej; Talik, Elżbieta; Uniwersytet Warszawski; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Aim. The aim of the study was to examine the differences between groups of prison in-mates distinguished according to the sense of quality of life in terms of their ways of coping with stress.Methods. In order to verify the research hypotheses, the following instruments were used: (1) The sense of quality of life Questionnaire (SQLQ) by M. Straś-Romanowska (2007) and (2) the COPE Inventory by Carver, Scheier and Weintraub (1989).Results. The results of the presented research have confirmed that the ways of coping with stress used by prison inmates are related to the sense of quality of life. This conclusion applies not only to overall sense of quality of life but also to all of its dimensions: psychophysical, psychosocial, personal, and metaphysical one. According to the assumed hypothesis, people with a high level of overall quality of life significantly more often than people with a low level of quality of life prefer active coping strategies, including strategies such as: Active coping, Planning, Searching for instrumental support, Searching for emotional support, Positive revaluation and development. A similar conclusion with minor modifications also applies to other dimensions of quality of life. Conclusions. Thus, the use of constructive ways of coping with stress – based on seeking support, personal activity in coping with problems and drawing conclusions from wrong life decisions – is related to higher level of quality of life.
The sense of quality of life and religious strategies of coping with stress in prison inmates
(Springer, 2018) Talik, Elżbieta; Skowroński, Bartłomiej; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The aim of the presented research was to analyze differences in religious strategies of coping with stress in a group of prison inmates characterized by different levels of the sense of quality of life - general, psychophysical, psychosocial, personal, and metaphysical. The participants were 390 males, aged 19–68 years, serving sentences in prisons in Poland. The measures used were the Sense of Quality of Life Questionnaire by M. Stras ́-Romanowska and K. I. Pargament’s RCOPE Questionnaire. As expected, individuals with a high sense of quality of life — both general and pertaining to specific dimensions—more often chose positive religious strategies, whereas participants with a low sense of quality of life more often chose negative strategies. The exception was the metaphysical aspect of the quality of life: individuals with a high intensity of this dimension more often chose some of the positive as well as negative religious strategies.
Radzenie sobie ze stresem a jakość życia osób osadzonych w placówkach penitencjarnych
(Polskie Towarzystwo Psychiatryczne, 2018) Skowroński, Bartłomiej; Talik, Elżbieta; Uniwersytet Warszawski; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Aim. The aim of the study was to examine the differences between groups of prison inmates distinguished according to the sense of quality of life in terms of their ways of coping with stress. Methods. In order to verify the research hypotheses, the following instruments were used: (1) The sense of quality of life Questionnaire (SQLQ) by M. Straś-Romanowska (2007) and (2) the COPE Inventory by Carver, Scheier and Weintraub (1989). Results. The results of the presented research have confirmed that the ways of coping with stress used by prison inmates are related to the sense of quality of life. This conclusion applies not only to overall sense of quality of life but also to all of its dimensions: psychophysical, psychosocial, personal, and metaphysical one. According to the assumed hypothesis, people with a high level of overall quality of life significantly more often than people with a low level of quality of life prefer active coping strategies, including strategies such as: Active coping, Planning, Searching for instrumental support, Searching for emotional support, Positive revaluation and development. A similar conclusion with minor modifications also applies to other dimensions of quality of life. Conclusions. Thus, the use of constructive ways of coping with stress – based on seeking support, personal activity in coping with problems and drawing conclusions from wrong life decisions – is related to higher level of quality of life.
Comparaison des systemes phonologiques vocaliques du français et du polonais: utilisation en classe de langue étrangère
(Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Vilnius, 2018) Billerey, Bozena; Borowska, Barbara; Institut Catholique de Toulouse, France; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Les études contrastées entre le système linguistique de la langue maternelle de l’apprenant et celui de la langue étrangère étudiée sont importantes pour les professeurs de langues car elles mettent en évidence les erreurs courantes commises par les apprenants. Nous proposons une comparaison entre les systèmes vocaux en français et en polonais afin d'anticiper les erreurs typiques que font les locuteurs polonais lors de l'apprentissage du français. Les enseignants scannent puis utilisent la méthode verbo-tonale de Guberina pour corriger la prononciation. La prononciation incorrecte des langues étrangères ne provient pas de l'incapacité à articuler correctement, mais d'une fausse interprétation perceptive.
Jak uczyć czytać i pisać metodami glottodydaktyki ojczystojęzycznej?
(Inkos, 2018) Borowska, Barbara; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Język polski jest nie tylko nośnikiem tradycji i kultury, ale również narzędziem dostępu do zasobów intelektualnych polskiego dziedzictwa, dlatego stałym dążeniem polityki polonijnej jest objęcie regularnym nauczaniem języka polskiego jak największej liczby dzieci polskich i polskiego pochodzenia za granicą. Istotnym trwałym efektem dla nauczycieli polonijnych będzie ukształtowanie w uczniach właściwej postawy wobec czytania i pisania w języku polskim, zwłaszcza wśród dzieci w nauczaniu początkowym. Prezentowany artykuł przedstawia teoretyczne podstawy nauczania czytania i pisania, stosowane w metodach „glottodydaktyki ojczystojęzycznej” w nauczaniu przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym, czyli w systemie edukacyjnym stworzonym i ciągle doskonalonym przez autora tych metod prof. Bronisława Rocławskiego. Główna myśl rozważań skupia się na tezie, że nauczyciel glottodydaktyk potrafi nauczyć każde dziecko poprawnie czytać i pisać w języku polskim, a przekazana wiedza i umiejętności pozwolą wpłynąć na znakomity rozwój psychiczny, intelektualny i społeczny dzieci oraz na poprawę życia rodzinnego poprzez odciążenie rodziców od zadań edukacyjnych w domu.