OPEN Repository

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Skarga o uchylenie wyroku sądu polubownego (cz. I)
(Krajowa Izba Radców Prawnych, 2010-02) Kała, Dariusz P.; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
W artykule poruszono kwestię charakteru prawnego skargi, jej funkcjonowania w ujęciu historycznym, legitymacji do wniesienia skargi, terminu wniesienia skargi, wymogów formalnych skargi oraz jurysdykcji krajowej i właściowości sądu do wniesienia skargi.
O relacjach między sądownictwem państwowym a polubownym w znaczeniu szerokim
(Krajowa Izba Radców Prawnych, 2012-02) Kała, Dariusz P.; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
W artykule poruszono zagadnienia związane ze statusem sądownictwa polubownego w wymiarze sprawiedliwości w świetle uregulowań Konstytucji. Poddano analizie kwestię sądu polubownego a prawa do sądu, kwestię statusu sądu polubownego w systemie postępowania cywilnego oraz adjukacyjnego charakteru postępowania polubownego.
Uznanie i stwierdzenie wykonalności wyroku sądu polubownego lub ugody przed nim zawartej (zagadnienia wybrane)
(Naczelna Rada Adwokacka, 2013-05) Kała, Dariusz P.; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
This paper addresses the issue of challenging the decision to grant or declaration of enforceability, national jurisdiction and the recognition and declaration of enforceability of the confluence of the action for annulment of an arbitration award to the proceedings for recognition or enforcement. The court of the enforcement of the arbitration award may be appealed. The annulment of the second-instance court decision dismissing the complaint on the recognition or declaration of enforceability is not entitled. In terms of recognition or declaration of enforceability, Polish courts have jurisdiction, regardless of the domestic country in which the judgment was issued an arbitration award or settlement before it concluded. If you filed an action for annulment of an arbitration award, the state court to which an application for recognition or enforcement of the judgment, it may stay the proceedings.
O relacjach między sądownictwem państwowym a polubownym w znaczeniu wąskim
(Wydawnictwo Beck, 2012-01) Kała, Dariusz P.; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Determining the relation between arbitration and the state court is dependent on the adoption of specific criteria for classification of various state court actions against the arbitration court. The doctrine there is a large consensus on the type of criteria. Most frequently, in the literature there is the criterion function. Other criteria are: the subject of court action, the entity state court action, the time to take certain state court actions (temporal criterion), the criterion of process. In narrow terms, consider the state court activities in cooperation with arbitration and supervision of its activities. It seems that the parties have at their disposal two ways to affect the powers of the court before the arbitration court. In the first instance, they may decide about the place of arbitration
Podstawy skargi o uchylenie wyroku sądu polubownego
(Wydawnictwo Beck, 2012-04) Kała, Dariusz P.; Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Grounds for complaint (Article 1206 § 1 of the Code of Civil Procedure section 1–4) were modelled on the UNCITRAL Model Law. Compared to the premises of the former Article 712 have partial adjustment to their modernization. Article 1206 of the Code of Civil Procedure exhaustively lists the grounds for an action aiming at annulment of an arbitration award. A party must rely on one or more grounds. In the doctrine there is agreement that this directory is closed, the parties can not expand this folder in the arbitration clause, and only under the conditions of art. 1206 may arbitration award be avoided.