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Growth Strategies – Case Study
(Wydawnictwo Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, 2011) Żukowska, Joanna; Pindelski, Mikołaj; Szkoła Główna Handlowa
Companies start their business concentrating on the market of the of their closest vicinity. Along with the growth of the enterprise activity on a given market and its saturation with their products, such companies ex-pand the reach of their territory and enter new markets in order to avoid stagnation. The expansion is of local nature at first and subsequently as-sumes the form of regional activity, to offer its products all over the coun-try in the end. For numerous companies this is the final stage of expan-sion, however, some of them do not stop at winning the domestic market, but start to offer their services overseas. Entities whose services or prod-ucts are available almost all over the world are called global companies. Such enterprises must approach the strategy of development, growth and competition in a different way. This paper discusses such issues, present-ing the case study of Google’s strategy.
Factors Determining the Competitiveness of Entities on Global Market
(Politechnika Łódzka, 2011) Żukowska, Joanna; Pindelski, Mikołaj; Szkoła Główna Handlowa
Analyzing the aspect of competitiveness, the approach to it may be bi-polar. On the one hand, the object of interest is the competitiveness of entities in the meaning of enterprises. This is grasped in a more microeconomic way. On the other hand, however, a more global approach to competitiveness is encountered, considering the competition of a country. However, a country’s competitiveness often represents the catalyst of competitive advantage of a single enterprise. Therefore, this paper will concern the competition ele-ments, both in the macro and micro sphere. A case of a global corporation’s competition will also be presented.
Rola innowacji w zarządzaniu organizacjami – studium przypadku
(TNOIK Katowice, 2010) Żukowska, Joanna; Pindelski, Mikołaj; Szkoła Główna Handlowa
Modern Marketing
(Universita, Zilina, 2010) Żukowska, Joanna; Pindelski, Mikołaj; Szkoła Główna Handlowa
Drawing and attracting the consumer attention is one of the biggest issues of modern marketing . This is the reason why they are looking for innovative forms of marketing. Papers presents the solutions and take special attention on metaphors in marketing.
Innovation Against Cooperation
(, 2012) Żukowska, Joanna; Pindelski, Mikołaj; Szkoła Główna Handlowa