OPEN Repository
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23110 archived items
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Recent Submissions
Bilans kompetencji branży – Energetyka. Raport końcowy z przeprowadzonych badań
(Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie, Centrum Ewaluacji i Analiz Polityk Publicznych, Interdyscyplinarne Centrum Badań i Rozwoju Organizacji, 2013) Górniak, Jarosław; Kossowska, Małgorzata; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Obszarem działalności gospodarczej w branży energetycznej, który wymyka się jednoznacznym podziałom na energetykę zawodową i energetykę przemysłową jest prosumpcja. Jest to działalność, o ciągle marginalnym znaczeniu, ale ogromnym potencjale, która może odgrywać znaczącą rolę w przyszłości. Prosumpcja to jednoczesna produkcja energii elektrycznej i jej konsumpcja. W pewnym sensie jest to więc obszar bliski energetyce przemysłowej, ale dotyczy przede wszystkim gospodarstw rolnych oraz domów jednorodzinnych. W porównaniu do energetyki przemysłowej, prosumpcja charakteryzuje się większym stopniem rozproszenia i niskimi przeciętnymi mocami produkcyjnymi.
Wewnętrzny głos czy zewnętrzna dusza? Antyczna koncepcja daimones a dajmony z Mrocznych Materii Philipa Pullmana
(Wydawnictwo PAU, 2012) Kleczkowska, Katarzyna; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Celem artykułu jest porównanie koncepcji dajmonów, pochodzących z trylogii Mroczne Materie Philipa Pullmana, z daimones znanymi ze źródeł klasycznych. W pierwszej części artykułu przedstawiona została starożytna definicja dajmona na podstawie tekstów Homera, Hezjoda, Platona, Apulejusza oraz Ksenofonta. W kolejnej części wizja starożytna została skonfrontowana z koncepcją Pullmana, wykazane zostały podobieństwa i różnice pomiędzy obiema wizjami. W trzeciej części przedstawione zostały dodatkowe koncepcje i wierzenia, które wykazują znaczące podobieństwa do dajmonów z Mrocznych Materii – anima i animus Junga, szamanizm oraz wilkołactwo.
Układy liposom-polimer jako nośniki białek zakotwiczonych przez GPI
(2012) Łukasiewicz, Magdalena; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
This paper presents the development of novel liposomal nanocarriers which can be used in delivery of biologically-active substances, such as proteins. There is a great interest in liposomal carriers, which could be used for medical and pharmacological applications. However, because of low stability of liposomes, such applications are challenging. Certain external factors, such as pH, temperature or the presence of other substances in the environment may have a damaging effect on the lipid vesicles. Proteins are known to play an essential role in the functioning of living organisms. They have mechanical-structural functions, but they can also act as biocatalysts (enzymes), neurotransmitters, or are involved in the transport of small molecules and ions in tissue. The interest in GPI-linked proteins is related to their ability to incorporate in the lipid bilayer. They have a glycosylphosphatidylinositol anchor with two long alkyl chains. These chains can incorporate in the cell membrane, thus allowing their attachment to the outer surface of vesicles. Coating them with polyelectrolytes can increase the stability of liposomes. It was found that some polymeric films have the ability to stabilize the liposomal nanocarriers of proteins. That can be correlated with the value of the zeta potential of polymer which coats liposomes, as well as with the shape of a polymeric chain. The polymeric coating can be carefully chosen to ensure that the stabilizing effect will be associated with protein protection reflected in its high enzymatic activity.
Geneza i rozwój Drogi św. Jakuba w państwach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej
(Podhalańska Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Targu, 2012-12-15) Mróz, Franciszek; Mróz, Łukasz; Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The presented study is an attempt to summarize the activities associated with origin/genesis and development of St. James Route in Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. The authors of this study, basing on personal research and interviews with foreign associations caring for St. James' Routes, also made an attempt to present the main problems and challenges related to the further development of the Camino de Santiago in the Visegrad Group countries (V4). Among those investigating the phenomenon of St. James Route in Europe nowadays prevails consistent belief that the revival of St. James Route was preceded by a pilgrimage of Blessed John Paul II to Santiago de Compostela in 1982. In 1987 the Council of Europe declared the Camino de Santiago, to be the first European Cultural Route and encouraged local authirities to restore the old routes of pilgrimage. In 2003 the European network of St. James' Routes reached the German-Polish border in Görlitz/Zgorzelec. In 2004 polish people, who pilgrimage to the tomb of St. James, already began works on the demarcation of the Polish sections of St. James Route, which finally led to opening of the first section of St. James' Route in 2005; Dolnośląska St. James Route. In the years 2005-2011, thanks to the work of members of fraternities and St. James' associations, the Church authorities, local government authorities, tourism organizations, as well as friend the ways St. James and worshipers of St. James among the Visegrad Group countries, currently there are more than 4000 km of St. James Route already marked, including over 2700 km in Poland, over 1100 km in Czech Republic and approximately 500 km in Hungary. At present we work on the project of the first section of St. James' Routes in the Slovak Republic, which will be opened in the second half of 2012.
Socio-Political Aspects of Kaijū Eiga Genre: A Case Study of the Original Godzilla
(Katedra Orientalistyki, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, 2013) Głownia, Dawid; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Kaijū eiga – literally “monster movie” – is one of the most easily recognizable genres of Japanese cinema, as well as one of its biggest export products. Yet, despite its tremendous popularity in North America and Europe, for decades this genre was ignored by Western film scholars. The main goal of the present article is to discuss the kaijū eiga phenomenon as an area of intersection between escapist entertainment and socio-political commentary. As kaijū eiga productions are numerous, detailed analysis of even the most important representatives of the genre is beyond the scope of a single paper. Therefore, I have decided to focus on the first instalment of the Godzilla series. In the first section of the article I present a brief history of the Western reception of kaijū eiga, from its disregard by mainstream film criticism to its recognition as an important cultural phenomenon by the academic community. The second section serves as a brief review of the canonical and unorthodox interpretations of the original Godzilla that appeared in the subject literature during the course of the last three decades. In the next part of the article I discuss Honda Ishirō’s influence on the Godzilla form and purport within the context of his world-view and the traumatic events of his past. The last section of the article is devoted to the changes introduced to the film by its American distributors that led to the distortion of its original purport.
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