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La “Divina Commedia” di Dante Alighieri nel mondo della fanfiction
(2018) Sajewska, Marta; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The main aim of this thesis is to present the extraordinary world of fans and to try to put the Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri in such a context. For this purpose, first I explain and analyze all important terms related to the fan studies, such as: fan, fandom, fan activity, fanfiction. To ease full and complete understanding of the concept of fans, I intend to provide further information – a short story of the phenomenon across the centuries and the evolution from small, ancient groups of “fans” to today’s multifandoms. Furthermore, I provide practical examples from modern popular culture to better illustrate some phenomena. In the analytical part of the thesis, first I present my way of thinking that led me to create a new, authorial method of analyzing fanfiction. Later on, I present some literary and intertextual theories that helped me with my task (especially Gérard Genette’s or Elena Rossi’s intertextual theory, but also Henry Jenkins’ theory). In the end I describe in detail the procedure related to the method of analysis. In the next part I put it into practice, analyzing two Italian novels that refer to Dante Alighieri and his Comedy, namely I delitti della luce by Giulio Leoni and La profezia perduta di Dante by Francesco Fioretti.The analysis of the novels is carried out accordingly to my method and focuses on four major modules: plot, Dante-protagonist, presence and attitude towards women, presence and references to Comedy. Apart from that I also analyze elements characteristic for each of the novels (for example the presence of Fedeli d’Amore). The analysis is based not only on the intertextual terminology, but also the one used by fans to show that these two approaches can coexist.In the end I present my conclusions – I valuate both novels from the point of view of fan studies and I present my thoughts about practical application of my method from the philological point of view.
Powstanie Służba Ochrony Państwa
(Uniwersytet Jagielloński, 2018) Nyzio, Arkadiusz; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
„Orzekanie w granicach środka odwoławczego” – w kwestii prawidłowej wykładni przepisu art. 433 § 1 kpk.
(Wydział Prawa Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku, 2018) Bojańczyk, Antoni; Górski, Adam; Klonowski, Marcin; Uniwersytet Warszawski; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
This article describes the scope of jurisdiction over a case in the second instance in three legislative states of criminal procedure. The scope of jurisdiction of the case is a basic term in the perspective of the right to defence. Indication of the limits of jurisdiction case influences the possibility to execute the principle of the material truth. The subject of an article is description of the status of objections as one of the elements which have significant influence on jurisdiction over the case in the second instance. The authors submit that on the basis of the legislative state before 1 July 2015, objections were an element of the limits of the mean of recourse if one of the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure obligated the party to formulate such objections. Moreover, regardless of an approval of basic direction of changes, the authors point to the negative aspects of the regulation which came into force aft er 1 July 2015. Obligating non-professionals to formulate objections is recognized as the main drawback of the regulation. Also, regulation after 15 April 2016 is subjected to critical analysis, because the limits of jurisdiction over the case depend on actual raising the objections, not on the obligation to raise them.
Słowo gra znaczy świat. Przestrzeń gry wideo w kognitywnej teorii narracji
(Instytut Badań Literackich Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2017) Maj, Krzysztof M.; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Maj outlines the main concepts of post-classical (cognitive and trans-medial) narrative theory (especially storyworld) in order to reintegrate the category of fiction and the fictional world into video game research. This integration of questions of mimeticism, representation (and its realism) or the intensity of the reception goes hand in hand with a discussion on Lisbeth Klastrup's notion of "a world’s worldness" as well as the history of theoretical and narratological concepts of perceiving the world, world-building and inhabiting fictional worlds. In the final part Maj draws on Tadeusz Sławek's oikological reflections to explore the increasingly frequent occurrence of houses and the inhabitation of virtual space in world-building video games - a phenomenon that suggests that a literary theory offers an apt perspective to tackle the most recent problems in games studies.
Nowy populizm penalny na przykładzie przestępstw przeciwko wiarygodności faktur
(Księgarnia Akademicka/Wydział Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych UJ, 2018) Nowak, Mateusz; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The article provides an overview of the populist narrative in the legislative process. The author argues that new penal populism affects more and more complicated branches of law, including a tax law. The author conducts a case study, analysing the new crime in the Polish penal code – the crime against credibility invoices. Populist aspects both in the legislation and in the political discourse surrounding it were also discussed.