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Położenie ludności żydowskiej w Rzeszowie w połowie XVIII wieku w świetle uniwersałów Teodora Hieronima Lubomirskiego (1753–1761)
(Towarzystwo Wydawnicze Historia Iagellonica & Wydawnictwo Tempora, 2020) Zamoyski, Grzegorz; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
In the middle of the 18th century Rzeszów was a property of teodor Hieronim Lubomirski, who ruled the city in the years 1753–1761. One of the characteristic features of the city was a numerous group of Jews residing in the part called Nowe Miasto (New City). Jews had an important economic role in the city, being burdened with obligations typical for inhabitants of a private town. Those were specified in privileges granted by monarchs and city owners to residents and guilds existing in the city. Detailed guidelines of functioning of various sectors of the city were specified in universals issued for inhabitants by city owners. Within the years 1753–1761 Teodor Hieronim Lubomirski singed 13 ordinances that regulated the life of Rzeszów citizens — almost all of them applied to Jewish inhabitants as well. The most important document addressed primarily to that group was the universal of January 9th, 1760 in which he constituted a Jewish butchery as a system of kosher slaughter and introduced a complex system of payments for kosher meat. All universals issued by Teodor Hieronim Lubomirski referred to organising trade in the city and increasing the budget income for the owner.
Postawy ludności cywilnej wobec kozackich najazdów z 1648 roku na przykładzie mieszczan kraśnickich. Przyczynek do zagadnienia zasięgu terytorialnego powstania Chmielnickiego
(Towarzystwo Wydawnicze Historia Iagellonica&Wydawnictwo Tempora, 2020) Goszczyński, Artur; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
In autumn 1648 the Tatar-Cossack army besieged Lviv and Zamość as well as left minor troops in their vicinity. Their raids desolated villages located between the Bug and Vistula River. The actions of rebels from Zaporoże only enhanced the fear-filled atmosphere among the civilian population. For the leader of the Uprising, Bohdan Chmielnicki, those raids were a way of restocking and building up morale among Tatars and Cossacks. Moreover, the raids advantaged political affairs of the Cossack ataman. Terrorising gentry allowed him to influence the election sejm (sejm elekcyjny) deliberating at the time. One of the localities that suffered from the Cossack raids in the aforementioned period was Kraśnik (located in the Lublin Voivodeship). The rebels from Zaporoże blasted the village, slaughtered its citizens and desolated its infrastructure. The surviving court references allow for an analysis of attitudes among the civilians during the raids. There is some data about citizens’ escapes outside the city walls, as well as some accounts of robberies, committed by the people that remained in the city after the Cossack retreat, who wanted for getting rich easily.
Problemy szlachty kijowskiej w drugiej połowie XVII wieku
(Towarzystwo Wydawnicze Historia Iagellonica & Wydawnictwo Tempora, 2020) Stolicki, Jarosław; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
In the second half of the 17th century, the Kievian nobility has been forced to leave their estates. Their exile began in 1648, and their difficulties have deepened after 1654, when the Ukrainian territories have been occupied by the Muscovy. Since 1653, the Kievian, Bratslavian, and Chernihivian dietines have been held in Włodzimierz. This practice has been formally confirmed by the statute of 1659. Volhynia thus has become the center of the political activity of the Ukrainian nobility. Bereft of their means of support, the exiles were clamoring for compensation and reclinatorium. Those postulates have been satisfied after the conclusion of the Treaty of Andruszów and the Treaty of Grzymułtowski, but the allocation of those funds has become a cause for controversy at subsequent local assemblies. In the 1680-s some of the Kievians have returned to their estates, as provided by the statute of 1683. The dietine has been also dealing with fiscal matters. After the resumption of the war with the Porte disputes between the nobility and the Cossacks have also became more numerous. Finally, the abolition of the Cossack forces by the statute of 1699 has led to a Cossack uprising. The nobility placed much importance on the regular functioning of the courts, including careful maintenance of public records. Due to their partial destruction, it has been asking for their revision, as well as for the return of the records left behind in Kiev. In the early stages of the Chmielnicki Uprising Kievians have attempted to field county troops, but thereafter, left without means of their support, they have been only able to assist the defense of the Commonwealth through service in the militia. Although exempt from that duty, they have nevertheless carried it out on several calls.
Kobiety jako posiadaczki nieruchomości w miastach wschodniej części Galicji pod koniec XVIII wieku
(Towarzystwo Wydawnicze Historia Iagellonica&Wydawnictwo Tempora, 2020) Ślusarek, Krzysztof; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The article discusses the issue of estate ownership of women in towns located in the five easternmost cyrkuls of Galicia, i.e. the Brzeżany, Stanisławów, Ternopil, Zaleszczyki and Złoczów cyrkuls. The issue has been studied on the basis of an analysis of entries in the Josephinian land cadastre carried out within the years 1785–1788. That basis allowed to conclude that in 101 towns of the studied area 2072 women were estate property owners. The number can be further divided into two groups: hereditary owners of towns or part of towns and owners of single properties, who were of a subordinate status. The latter group included 2044 women, which was 6,12% of the overall estate property owners. The indicator of women participation in the group of property owners varied depending on a town and ranged between 0 to 12,94%. Women owning town estates were mostly widows. Their households most often did not exceed the area of a yoke and consisted of a house or a cottage and a small garden. This suggests that they obtained their main income from typically urban professions.
Czerwonogród na przełomie XVIII i XIX stulecia
(Towarzystwo Wydawnicze Historia Iagellonica & Wydawnictwo Tempora, 2020) Kargol, Tomasz; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The article presents the history of Czerwonogród in Podolia from the 17th century until the first half of the 19th century, the impact of acts of war and geopolitical changes upon the town’s degradation process and its social structure and economic situation. Czerwonogród during the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth era was a town, the seat of the poviat (district) and the land starostwo (starostwo niegrodowe) as well as the Roman-Catholic parish. Following the First Partition of Poland Czerwonogórd lost its town status, ceased to be the seat of administrative authorities and only the Roman-Catholic parish kept functioning, although within a diminished area — without the town of Zaleszczyki which established its own parish. During the 18th century the ownership of the place changed multiple times. In the pre-Partition era it was a crown land leased by representatives of the nobility. After the First Partition of Poland the Czerwonogród starostwo was seized by the Austrian authorities that sold it to Kazimierz Raczyński. In the 80s of the 18th century the Czerwonogród estate was an object of the purchase-sale transaction as many as three times, until the family of Duke Poniński became the owner, who in the first half of the 19th century tried to re-establish the former glory of the town. By their efforts the castle was rebuilt into a spacious palace and a school and a convent of the Sisters of Mercy were founded. Czerwonogród, however, did not regain its town status and the inhabitants made ther living from agriculture.