OPEN Repository
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22945 archived items
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Recent Submissions
Untying Gordian Knot: Projects to Reform the UN Security Council
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2017) Leshkovych, Taras; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The article focuses on the very topical, and hotly debated in the last three decades, issue of the United Nations Security Council reform. The author briefly describes the historical roots of the Security Council, its establishment in 1945 and the enlargement that took place in 1965. The second part of the paper outlines the systemic flaws of the current composition of the Council and presents the existing projects of its reform proposed by the UN bodies or groups of states. The final part provides the ranking of current members of, and aspiring candidates to, the Security Council. The author describes the methodology used for this ranking and its utility for better understanding of the complexity of the problem.
L’Expérience de la fragilité du sens dans La Nausée de Jean-Paul Sartre
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2017) Bednarczyk, Bartosz Piotr; Collegium Invisibile; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Le présent article constitue un essai d’analyse d’un problème crucial pour le roman de Sartre à la lumière de la réflexion phénoménologique sur la notion de «sens». Cette oeuvre reflète la fascination de l’auteur pour la méthode philosophique proposée par Husserl, mais en même temps elle témoigne de certains changements visibles dans la réception sartrienne de ladite méthode. Dans la phénoménologie le sens d’une chose, qui se laisse définir comme «être tel et tel» de la chose, est découvert comme un effet du travail de la constitution transcendantale réalisée par le sujet. Pourtant, la phénoménologie classique de Husserl n’a pas posé la question cruciale de la manière d’être du sujet constituant. La réflexion sur l’existence humaine mène à la découverte du sujet dans sa fragilité, en dévoilant en même temps la fragilité du sens constitué. L’analyse du roman de Sartre est concentrée sur le problème phénoménologique du sens dans ses trois dimensions: dans la relation entre le héros principal et la réalité des choses, le héros et les autres et aussi le héros et lui-même. Enfin, la réflexion présentée conduit à l’éclaircissement de l’expérience de «la Nausée».
Temporal Layers in the Attic. The Anthropological Essay about Domestic ‘Other’ Spaces, Things and Family Memories
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2016) Raczyńska, Marta; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
This paper is an anthropological essay about domestic space, things as the ‘kaleidoscope’ of the family past, but also an attempt to describe chosen aspects of the memory mechanism. Particularly, its base was the author’s question about ways of perceiving attics in old family houses by people involved in there, and about their view of the past in this context. Inspired by the ethnographic fieldwork done in Gąsawa (a village in Żnin County and Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship in north-central Poland) over the period 2013–2014, she decided to focus on the interpretative background of that research, and present a set of metaphors serving as guidance for the interpret- ation and some theoretical remarks. This can be necessary to make some universal meta-descriptions of the attic (as the ‘other’ place) and its practical and symbolical meaning, as well as to interpret any kind of narration (e.g. people’s stories) about those extraordinary places and things inside. To demonstrate this, the author created an idea of ‘the attic of memory’, by making use of spatial metaphors (in particular Reinhart Kosseleck’s conception of ‘layers of time’) and drawing inspiration from many different terms and categories offered by contemporary anthropology of memory and history. Specific attention, moreover, was paid to the objects in question (junks, revealed heirlooms and mementos) as so-called ‘biographical things’.
Drakoncjusz, Luksoriusz, Florentinus i Feliks głosy wandalskiej Kartaginy. Stosunek poetów łacińskich do barbarzyńskiej władzy
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2016) Cichoń, Natalia; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
In this paper I examine the situation in Carthage under the rule of the Vandals (5th/6th century AD) and its consequences on the works of contemporary poets both in the period right after the barbarian invasion and at the end of their reign. Firstly I demonstrate the most important historical facts (including the source texts), secondly – to give the full picture of the situation - I present the development of culture, art and literature in Carthage under the rule of the Vandals. Then I discuss the selected fragments of the poetry written by the poets from North Africa: Dracontius’ mythological epyllions, Luxorius’ and Felix’ epigrams and Florentinus’ laudatio. Each poet showed his attitude to the barbarians in a different way – from expressing hope for the sur- vival of the Roman Empire and the idea of Roma aeterna to writing the laudation of the Vandal king and wishing a happy life for his descendants. Every poet, however, contributed to the fact that the classical era reverberated even in the Late Antiquity, at the end of the Roman Empire. They achieved it thanks to the classical genres, both Roman and Greek, even if they wrote for the glory of a foreign nation.
O sobie samym. Strategie autokreacji w prozie wspomnieniowej Kazimierza Wierzyńskiego
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2016) Kuchowicz, Katarzyna; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The paper aims to present the autocreation strategies of Kazimierz Wierzyński in Cygańskim wozem. Miasta, ludzie, książki (1966) and Moja prywatna Ameryka (1966) essays. The author indicates the aspect of the writer’s self-creation via immigrate status prism that had been given to him. The paper attempts to draw attention to Wie- rzyński’s awareness in the metanarrative area and consciously played roles which were the result of creative strategy.
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