OPEN Repository

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Człowiek w Mokszadharmie
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2013) Budziszewska, Nina; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Mokṣadharma, a part of The Twelfth Mahābhārata’s Book, is an epic compendium of knowledge about human beings in the sāṁkhya-yoga tradition. The Book takes the form of a dialogue between the winning king and his wise ancestor; it takes place after an immense and bloody battle. The conversation focuses on the methods ofattaining freedom, on human duties, on the structure of the human psychophisics that in simple terms can be called the body. We find here a very important question: what travels in the process of reincarnation? Human being is compared to a chariot. The same metaphor is present in the Kathopaniṣad, Buddhist Milinda-Pañha or Phaedrus by Plato.