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(Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta, 2017) Hańderek, Joanna; Kućma, Natalia; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Problematyka związana z wykluczeniem i wykluczeniami jest jedną ze sztandarowych kwestii podejmowanych w dzisiejszych dyskusjach politycznych, filozoficznych i naukowych […]. Szczególną rangę zyskała ona w myśli postmodernistycznej i postpostmodernistycznej. Niezależnie od tego, zagadnienia wykluczenia, obcości, inności, nienormalności, nieprzystosowania itp. pojawiały się w obszarze humanistyki, nauk społecznych i filozofii we wszystkich liczących się paradygmatach przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Dobrze się więc stało, że na gruncie polskim rozpoczęto systematyczną refleksję nad tym dyskursem i dyskursami […]. Teksty z tomu Wykluczenia z ogromnym rozmachem pokazują wszelkie przejawy wykluczenia ludzi we współczesnym świecie. Tak szerokie zakreślenie pola obserwacji, jakie występuje w tym zbiorze, stanowi […] ważny jego atut. Poszczególni autorzy konceptualizują pola badawcze, które następnie mogą stać się przedmiotem pogłębionych studiów nad problematyką wykluczenia.
Groza systemowej niewiedzy. O dystopijnej rzeczywistości "Przeglądu Końca Świata" Miry Grant
(Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta, 2016-08-24) Maj, Krzysztof M.; Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
In the chapter Horror of the Systemic Unawareness. On A Dystopian Reality of Mira Grant’s “Newslfesh” Krzysztof M. Maj invites a Foucauldian reading of the epony-mous fear of being unaware of the truth about the “founding lie” of dystopian socio-stasis. While doing so, he proceeds with an analysis of the basic components of dysto-pian narrative, pondering on the subtle relationships between the so-called young adult dystopias, postapocalyptic lore, and “political technology of the body”—with the latter being an ultimate tool of authoritatian control observed in Newsflesh trilogy. Simultaneously, the chapter serves as a concise introduction to contemporary world-centered dystopian narratives, greatly inspired by a deconstructive approach to utopian and dystopian studies, with a particular emphasis on the subversion of metaphysical paradigms and binary oppositions, critique of logocentrism and panopticism, or dis-semination of power/knowledge. Finally, Maj argues that the state of unawareness may be both a curse and a blessing in a dystopian reality—a curse, as it strikes fear into the hearts of subdued citizens who learn thereby to be afraid of any rebellious activities, and a blessing, as it may inspire a strong individual to overcome their fear and challenge the reign of oppressive authorities.
Świat mody — świat zombie, czyli opowieść o Zombie Boyu, modelkach, modelach i nas, konsumentach
(Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta, 2016) Wójciak, Michał; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Zombies, much like vampires, are one of the most frequently used figures in popular culture at the dawn of the 21st Century. One can also observe this motif in the fashion industry, where it is based in mechanisms used to incite controversy. The starting point for the chapter The World of Fashion–The World of Zombies: A Story about Zombie Boy, Models and Us Consumers by Michał Wójciak is an analysis of selected photo shoots and fashion shows for the presence of iconographic elements from nar-rative films about the living dead. A broad array of cultural contexts is cited, including the aesthetics of imaging death in the Middle Ages as well as punk counterculture. The undead character is also treated as a metaphor for the world of fashion, where values like uniqueness and identification collide. On the other hand, the category of the epidemic allows us to look critically at the phenomenon of the spread of trends as a part of the capitalist system that is based on surplus production and unlimited con-sumption.
Misja: epidemia. Strach przed mutacją jako podstawa światotwórcza gier z trylogii StarCraft II
(Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta, 2016) Maj, Krzysztof M.; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
In the chapter Mission: Outbreak. A Fear of Mutation as the World-building Basis for the StarCraft II Trilogy, Krzysztof M. Maj recognizes the postmodern reinterpre-tation of the figure of the zombie in real-time-strategy-based world-building. Having considered a zombie-centric narrative as central to both the game mechanics (survival scenarios in zombie-infested gameworlds, fortification and last-stands design in tower defense games etc.) and to the retroactive nature of post-apocalypse (zombies as remi-niscence of a former human form), the author proceeds with a detailed analysis of the two major aspects of the StarCraft II storyline: the anthropocentric fear of muta-tion and xenonological need for evolution through assimilation. All things consid-ered, the chapter invites a critical reading of postcolonial and paradigmatic discourses that allows Terrans and the Protoss to reduce the Zerg’s xenobiological ability to evolve through infesting other lifeforms and absorbing their genetic material to a mere parasitism and a travesty of the process of natural evolution. Interpreted as zombie-like xenomorphs, the Zerg seem to reveal an unexpected depth in their design which all the more contributes to a better understanding of how the myth of zombism may influence science fiction and fantastic world-building.
Les Revenants, czyli francuska odpowiedź na amerykańskie zombie
(Ośrodek Badawczy Facta Ficta, 2016) Prokopowicz, Lidia; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
In the chapter Les Revenants—A French Response to an American Zombie?, Lidia Prokopowicz presents a discussion of the eponymous TV series Les Revenants (2012-) aimed at analysing and interpreting the production as well as attempting to answer the question posed in the title. The creators of Les Revenants are seeking to develop original solutions that offer a real chance of making an impact on the psyche of the viewer to whom the series is addressed. Les Revenants is a kind of game between the story and its recipient that can bring a new quality to the discourse on zombies. A re-view of productions such as Les Revenants (Robin Campillo 2004), Låt den rätte komma in (Tomas Alfredson 2010), Higurashi no naku koro ni (Studio Deen 2006-2007) and also The Walking Dead (2010-), Dead Set (2008), and Contracted (2013) invites a further reflection on the magical closed space and the local community’s re-action to the contact with the supernatural.