OPEN Repository

Welcome to OPEN - the Repository of Open Scientific Publications, run by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, previously operating as the CeON Repository. The Repository enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts.

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System ochrony przeciwpowodziowej w Polsce. Zadania organów administracji publicznej w fazach zapobiegania i reagowania na zagrożenia powodziowe
(WSMiP UJ/Księgarnia Akademicka, 2014) Mąka, Karol; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The article examines the flood protection system in Poland as a part of the national security system. It singles out public offices which are responsible for flood protec‑ tion and analysis their tasks and competences in emergency management phases. The paper characterises the flood response and preparedness phases. The author emphasizes the preparedness phase as the most significant part of the system.
W słabości siła. Bilans ewolucji polskich partii politycznych w latach 1989-2013
(WSMiP UJ/Księgarnia Akademicka, 2014) Nyzio, Arkadiusz; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The article elaborates on the political parties in Polish Third Republic, from the inception of multi‑party system to contemporary days. Its aim is to analyse the evolution of Polish political parties and to point out advantages and disadvan‑ tages of the process. The Polish parties have undoubtedly undergone a major evolution over the past 25 years and it would seem that in some areas they are becoming similar to parties of Western Europe. However, the author indicates that on many levels their transition remains incomplete – a best‑case scenario – or superficial. This in turn leads to a problematic paradox – strengthening of Polish political parties has contributed to weakening the state rather than en‑ hancing its capabilities. In this sense, the strength of Polish political party seems to be merely a facade behind which serious structural problems are hidden. The alarmingly low levels of trust in politics and social activity alongside the process of cartelization are leading to yet unidentified consequences.
Od elitarności do masowości. Stan szkolnictwa wyższego w Polsce po transformacji ustrojowej z 1989 r.
(WSMiP UJ/Księgarnia Akademicka, 2013) Raczyńska, Magdalena; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
Transformation that took place in 1989 in Poland paved the way for many reforms, including those in educational system. Poland became more open to Western influences, which resulted in a significant growth of the number of students and provided easier access to colleges and universities. However, nowadays (nearly 25 years later) it turns out that quantitative increase does not always entail qualitative increase. The quality of disseminated knowledge is now on a far lower level than it used to be in the 20th century. What is more – benefits derived from having a higher education diploma are less and less perceptible. This study is an attempt to make a diagnosis of the condition of the Polish higher education after the political transformation, so it includes not only the description of positive changes but also points out all the most important imperfections.
Europejska islamofobia a muzułmanie w Polsce
(WSMiP UJ/Księgarnia Akademicka, 2013) Górska, Ewa; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
In 2011 prominent politicians across Europe admitted failure of multicultural policy. At the same time immigration from the Muslim World to Europe is still on the rise, as well as the anti -Muslim prejudice in the countries receiving the largest influx of immigrants. This article examines the situation of Muslim minority in Poland, comparing it to the complicated history of co -existence and recent outbursts of violence towards Muslims in Western Europe. Briefly exploring the history and current situation of Muslims in Poland it also traces the causes of the tense situation between Muslims and the rest of the society in France and Great Britain, namely: the history of colonialism and the reasons for immigration, the cultural and scientific heritage of Orientalism, different relations between church and state, the policy of multiculturalism, and recent peak of religious hate crimes in both of these countries. All of these causes are later compared to the situation in Poland – with its different historical as well as cultural background and today’s attitudes of Polish society towards Islam. The comparison supports the conclusion that the religious discrimination, tensions, violence and other negative events happening in Western Europe are highly unlikely to happen in Poland in the immediate future. However, the prejudice and lack of knowledge about Islam and its followers may hinder integration and cause tensions between the Muslim minority and Polish, mainly Catholic, society.
Reformy służb specjalnych III RP
(WSMiP UJ/Księgarnia Akademicka, 2013) Gałka, Mateusz; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The aim of this article is to show the process of evolution the Polish Security Service after the political transformation of 1989. At first, the author presents the structure of Security Service under the communist regime. Then, he provides an analysis of the reform of the Security Service and its consequences. After a short presentation of every special and intelligence agency, the author focuses on their actual tasks and purposes. The article also presents some information about successes and failures of the Polish Special and Intelligence Services.