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Krenelaże. Próba nomadyzmu krytycznego
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2015) Łukaszyk, Ewa; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The essay is built around a basic architectonic pattern: that of battlements, alternating cubicles of stone and void. This image is treated as a synecdoche of the city, understood here not as a permanent settlement, but rather, paradoxically, as an empty space that is cyclically occupied by the nomads. The paradigmatic occupation by the newcomers can be found not only in Kafka, but also in Michał Paweł Markowski's book on travel, Dzień na ziemi. On the other hand, the notion of "critical nomadism" is taken from the Machinic Eros, a recent anthology of Guattari's writings on Japan. The problem of occupying space returns in his poem on a butoh dancer, published in this volume. Finally, the interconnection of nomadism and travel is traced back to the 7th century Arabian poet, Ka'b ibn Zuhayr, and his qasida Banat Su'ad. The battlements, architectonic element exploited in the building of Kirin Plaza in Osaka that Guattari compares with the medieval tower in Bologna, illustrates the problem of cyclophrenic rhythms of full and void, mass and empty form, as well as the experience of jet-lag, temporal suspension between 'too early' and 'too late' that is sought after not only by the postmodern tourist, but also by the Bedouin erotic subject, in love with a footprint: an arousing sign of bodily absence.
Ogród i Pustynia. O sztuce dobrego życia intelektualnego
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2013) Łukaszyk, Ewa; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The essay presents two entwining metaphors of intellectual life: a well-watered Garden with many springs and sources of influence, and an arid Desert where the thinker is confronted with the primordial purity of emptiness. As crucial exemplification, we read a fragment of the diary written by young Eliade during his trip to Italy. The temptation that haunts him not only in Tivoli in 1928, but also 13 years later in Lisbon is the encounter with a charismatic figure of an erudite, a master or a leader, strangely invested with floral exuberance. While the gardens of Tivoli symbolize the abundant sources of intellectual life, inundating the thinker with manifold inspiration to the point of depriving him of any perspective of originality, what appears at the opposite pole is the temptation of the Desert, just as for the Flaubertian Saint Antoine, who fears and escapes Alexandria as a place of superabundant ideas and influences. The emptiness of the Desert becomes a space for original creation and a promise of return to the Eliadian illo tempore, time of absolute beginnings. As a conclusion, one may say that the art of intellectual life consists in uninterrupted oscillation between the extremes: the Garden of crisscrossing influences and the Desert of original solitude.
Cnota omylności. O miejscu intelektualisty w kulturze
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2012) Łukaszyk, Ewa; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The main idea expressed in the article concerns the necessity of fallibility and fallible intellectuals in the cultural dynamics. We argue that, hypothetically, an infallible wise man would have a disastrous influence on culture, fostering stagnation. The fallible intellectual, offering questionable, controversial or destructible statements, is far more apt to foster the cultural growth. His role is not to propose ready-made solutions, but to open new spaces of discussion, doubt and examination. Taking as starting point the jeremiad of Mark Lilla against the "reckless mind", we pass to moderated points of view expressed by Edward Said, and finally search for an extra-European example illustrating the role of intellectuals in cultures passing through stages of accelerated change
Śmiertelność, zasiedzenie, autochtonizm. Kryptoteologia i kryptoantropologia w powieściach Jose Saramago
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2011) Łukaszyk, Ewa; Uniwersytet Warszawski
There are many parables and stories in the Jose Saramago's creativity which describes this tragic dimension of the human being condition. It is not dilemma about the man, who became such aloner without right place for live nor outside neither inside. It shows also that every place which constitutes human being existance is a place as every rootedness-contaminated in the irreversible way.