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O u-śmiechu biologicznie i memetycznie
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2009) Wężowicz-Ziółkowska, Dobrosława; Borkowski, Wojciech; Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach; SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny; Uniwersytet Warszawski
As Irenaus Eibl-Eibesfeldt has noticed, laugh and smile are behaviours, which manifest itself homo sapiens kind through all representatives, from the first week of life and on the elementary level, which means the same for every culture. Authors has trying to prove, that laugh and smile belong to biological sphere of life, not only for animals but also for humans. Authors affirm, just because the laugh and smile are "demonstration" in the biological way of thinking, their mechanism and role has defined as genetic. On the other side, in Van Hoof's opinion expressed sound, called smile and laugh in present day signify - as defense imminent under the influence of fear, or scream with exposed fore-teeth. This figure has informed about extreme fear, submission, and also readiness by desperate attack. These signals are characterized as dominant effect in monkeys culture. Especially moment, which present imminent grimace with rhythmical and synchronized sounds. Mainly it describes collective act of aggression. Van Hoof thinks, that equivalent of this behaviour is exactly human noisy laugh. Without evolutionary reason, laugh is communicable. Moreover, laugh has known as sensible, restorative social bonds, and not rarely aggressive - especially hostile-minded against someone. We often make laugh at someone, and we often forgot, that in this way we delimited - this border line, called self/other. Almost everybody was once a partaker in this kind of social process. In this dispute, authors shows, that smile and laugh are established in arts. The Replic of Mona Lisa's smile is still very popular, especially with appearance networks as for example 'google'. Unquestionable, one reason of popularity Mona Lisa's smile proclaim fact, that it is possible to find three millions answers, when we put catchword 'Mona Lisa' in 'google'. The Authors ask - why this image of mysterious smile didn't disappear though beyond another culture information ? It is one sensible answer for this question - it happened this way, because it owed for Jung's theory, which concern on archetypes and symbols. From here, this what makes sure about constancy the most famous smile is an archetype and the recognizing the own name of the Image begun the independent meme - authors has confirmed. For the question, which ask for reasons as many mimeographs as culture information, strait understanding of memetics give only one answer - it is an effective meme.
Swój / obcy / inny. Kontynuacja
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2009) Dąbrowski, Mieczysław; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The range of issues related to this subject is very wide, while belonging to the group of most basic philosophical, sociological and anthropological contemporary questions. The list of texts concerning this matter grows as well. In the beginning, I would like to define the detailed aspects of the above-mentioned topic. First issue is the anthropological category of fellow/alien, closeness/openness etc., accompanied by the reflection on the category of the border, transition, transgression, taboo etc. Practically, it may also mean the reflection on the experience of (e)migration. Second issue, related with the first one, is the category of identity that transits the reflection on the level of sociology, anthropology, interactivity etc. due to the fact that such reflection is the effect of the collision with the stranger. Third issue concerns the subjective category of being strangers to ourselves, what was signalled by Kristeva in her book (the German title) Fremde sind wir uns selbst. The fourth issue concerns the Other and the otherness, perceived in a way that Lévinas laid it down; it means a certain specific cognitive attitude and the ethical aspects of successful Meeting, what - as is well known - was discussed as the utopian assumption, with no possibility to implement, understood too idealistically (this point will be not discussed). The fifth issue might concern specific category of colonialism or post-colonialism, all forms of domination that bases on - variously defined - conviction of superiority (Said, Thompson, Bhabha), the dialectic of fascination and rejection of alien culture, what is well noticeable in the texts of Rushdie, Derrida, Said etc. The issue I particularly want to examine is most closely related to the one mentioned above. It concerns crossing the cultural borders, language anchorages and complications - what may be demonstrated on some examples taken from the field of the literature and essay.