OPEN Repository
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22936 archived items
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Recent Submissions
Komunitaryzm jako liberalizm odpowiedzialny - filozofia dobra Charlesa Taylora
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2012) Koźmiński, Krzysztof; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The liberal-communitarian 'debate' is generally perceived as one of the most important intellectual conflicts in modern political philosophy. The essay presents Charles Taylor's ideas on 'self, 'identity', 'naturalism' and human freedom. Canadian philosopher (often classified as communitarian although he prefers the epithet 'republican'), criticizes 'L(iberal) team members' such as Isaiah Berlin, Robert Nozick and John Rawls. According to Charles Taylor 'atomistic' political theories cause selfishness, justify egoism and promote moral relativism. These ideas lead to 'rights-talk', permissiveness and political correctness. Taylor argues that political atomism is associated with the concept of 'negative liberty'. Taylor emphasizes that identity is a matter of dialogical self-interpretation. In other words, human freedom is 'situated,' because its implementation is dependent on interpersonal relationships, social and moral commitments, particular culture and tradition. Despite the fact Taylor rejects Berlin's 'negative liberty', John Gray's 'modus-vivendi', Ronald Dworkin's theory of rights and Judith Shklar's 'liberalism of fear', it is hard to consider him as coherent anti-liberal. It appears that Taylor's ideas mat be considered as a synthesis of both liberal and communitarian conceptions.
Cnota omylności. O miejscu intelektualisty w kulturze
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2012) Łukaszyk, Ewa; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The main idea expressed in the article concerns the necessity of fallibility and fallible intellectuals in the cultural dynamics. We argue that, hypothetically, an infallible wise man would have a disastrous influence on culture, fostering stagnation. The fallible intellectual, offering questionable, controversial or destructible statements, is far more apt to foster the cultural growth. His role is not to propose ready-made solutions, but to open new spaces of discussion, doubt and examination. Taking as starting point the jeremiad of Mark Lilla against the "reckless mind", we pass to moderated points of view expressed by Edward Said, and finally search for an extra-European example illustrating the role of intellectuals in cultures passing through stages of accelerated change
Chory uniwersytet
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2012) Dąbrowski, Mieczysław; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The paper is divided into four parts which describe: 1) academic staff, 2) system of higher education, 3) students, 4) study programmes. It shows that in many cases conservatism and particularism are those that create university's environment. The following problems are shown: 1) University's work, although hard, is ineffective, no innovative. The number of administrative matters to be done by academic staff is raising. Personal relationships rather than knowledge have an impact on the academic career of an individual. Decisions are made in relation "we" - "others". 2) A number of university employees does not meet requirements. There are too many academic teachers who provide non effective teaching programmes. 3) To improve university education the reform of the primary and secondary school education is needed. Very few secondary-school graduates are outstanding, the majority has insufficient knowledge. 4) System of higher education should have significant financial support from the government.
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