OPEN Repository

Welcome to OPEN - the Repository of Open Scientific Publications, run by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, previously operating as the CeON Repository. The Repository enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts.

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Przestrzenie obcości w poezji Mariusza Appela
(Dom Kultury Śródmieście w Warszawie, 2008) Nalewajk, Żaneta; Uniwersytet Warszawski
Czy awangarda jest jeszcze możliwa? Aporie, echa, innowacje
(Dom Kultury Śródmieście w Warszawie, 2009) Nalewajk, Żaneta; Uniwersytet Warszawski
Is Avant-garde still possible? The Aporias, the Echoes, the Innovations The purpose of the article is to introduce the topic of the modern continuation of the tradition of Avant-garde. The authoress points out the aporias concerning the notions such as: “avant-garde”, “originality and “newness”. The relations between the terms are often complicated. The so-called “avant-garde literary works” are not always meant to be original, because some writers use techniques of composition, which are well-known in the history of literature, and apply them with no modifi cation. The authoress of this article presents arguments and examples of the phenomenon. She tries to answer the question when a literary work, which is refered to the tradition of avant-garde, can be original? The article aims to demonstrate that the understanding of the problem of literary innovations is only possible in the historical context of the literature.
Nowele Poego w przekładach Bolesława Leśmiana. Źródła, inspiracje, repliki
(Dom Kultury Śródmieście w Warszawie, 2009) Nalewajk, Żaneta; Uniwersytet Warszawski
Kubizm w poezji Mirona Białoszewskiego. Stylizacja czy diagnoza procesów poznawczych?
(Dom Kultury Śródmieście w Warszawie, 2009) Nalewajk, Żaneta; Uniwersytet Warszawski
Summary Cubisme in the Poetry of Miron Białoszewski. Stylization or Diagnosis of Cognitive Process? The article Cubism in the Poetry of Miron Białoszewski. Stylization or Diagnosis of the Cognitive Process? presents a systematical analysis and an interpretation of the relations between style of the cubist art and style of poems written by Polish poet. The authoress considers the following problems: - was the language of avant-garde painting infl uencing the poetic works of Miron Białoszewski? - was the cubist infl uence in the poetry of Białoszewski only on stylisation? In her opinion cubism, which had been adapted into literary works of Polish poet, his world perception and was contributing to diagnosis of important, universal cognitive processes, for example: the mechanisms of the visual perception. The authoress shows the types of modifi cations of the cubist style, which were introduced by Białoszewski. The article aims to demonstrate that the context of cubism is relevant for understanding and explaining Białoszewski’s poetry.
Ironia jako alternatywa rozpaczy. Krytyka kultury w Sprawozdaniu dla Akademii Franza Kafki
(Dom Kultury Śródmieście w Warszawie, 2008) Nalewajk, Żaneta; Uniwersytet Warszawski