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Miasto przyszłości Masdar, czyli w jaki sposób miasto rządzi wyobraźnią
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2015) Niedziałek, Ewa; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The city is a creation, which since ancient times mobilizes political and material productive forces of humans, as well as their imagination. Today, this potential is developed by various images of a technological city of the future, as the built from the ground, eco-city of Masdar. The narrative built around this city significantly exceeds the regional dimension, becoming the new universal figure of the dream about an ideal town. Simultaneously, the vision of Masdar as the "city of the future" is composed mainly of technological and economic elements, and as such, it distances itself from the imaginary dimension of the city, described by Lewis Mumford with the concept of "city-theater". Analysis of the "dramatic energy" inscribed to urban centers by the writer, will highlight possible weak points of the reflections circled around circled around the futuristic concept of Masdar.
Krenelaże. Próba nomadyzmu krytycznego
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2015) Łukaszyk, Ewa; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The essay is built around a basic architectonic pattern: that of battlements, alternating cubicles of stone and void. This image is treated as a synecdoche of the city, understood here not as a permanent settlement, but rather, paradoxically, as an empty space that is cyclically occupied by the nomads. The paradigmatic occupation by the newcomers can be found not only in Kafka, but also in Michał Paweł Markowski's book on travel, Dzień na ziemi. On the other hand, the notion of "critical nomadism" is taken from the Machinic Eros, a recent anthology of Guattari's writings on Japan. The problem of occupying space returns in his poem on a butoh dancer, published in this volume. Finally, the interconnection of nomadism and travel is traced back to the 7th century Arabian poet, Ka'b ibn Zuhayr, and his qasida Banat Su'ad. The battlements, architectonic element exploited in the building of Kirin Plaza in Osaka that Guattari compares with the medieval tower in Bologna, illustrates the problem of cyclophrenic rhythms of full and void, mass and empty form, as well as the experience of jet-lag, temporal suspension between 'too early' and 'too late' that is sought after not only by the postmodern tourist, but also by the Bedouin erotic subject, in love with a footprint: an arousing sign of bodily absence.
Warunkowa apologia przypadkowości. Filozofia narodzin w biografii Rahel Varnhagen autorstwa Hanny Arendt
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2013) Zawisza, Rafał; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The article is dedicated to a pre-war oeuvre of Hannah Arendt, namely the book concerning the life of Berlin salonnière, Rahel Varnhagen (1771-1833). Her narration is equally biographical and autobiographical, because Arendt, during writing it in the thirties, has been intending to manage with her own origin and actual political situation, appropriating the position of emancipating Jewess from the Romantic era. A simultaneous development of Zionism and anti-Semitism witnessed the fall of a fragile German-Jewish 'synthesis' inaugurated at the end of eighteen century. Arendt's book constitutes an excellent cultural critique as well as a hermeneutic of modern subjectivity, thrown back at painful consciousness of randomness concomitant with each birth. Similar problem is posed by Odo Marquard in his conception of derivativeness (Herkömmlichkeit), but solutions propounded within it seem very dubious. German philosopher's skeptic bias makes him unable to overcome melancholic repetition and tyranny of time. In comparison to him, Arendt's reflection on natality guards a hope for a promising art of living.
Ogród i Pustynia. O sztuce dobrego życia intelektualnego
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2013) Łukaszyk, Ewa; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The essay presents two entwining metaphors of intellectual life: a well-watered Garden with many springs and sources of influence, and an arid Desert where the thinker is confronted with the primordial purity of emptiness. As crucial exemplification, we read a fragment of the diary written by young Eliade during his trip to Italy. The temptation that haunts him not only in Tivoli in 1928, but also 13 years later in Lisbon is the encounter with a charismatic figure of an erudite, a master or a leader, strangely invested with floral exuberance. While the gardens of Tivoli symbolize the abundant sources of intellectual life, inundating the thinker with manifold inspiration to the point of depriving him of any perspective of originality, what appears at the opposite pole is the temptation of the Desert, just as for the Flaubertian Saint Antoine, who fears and escapes Alexandria as a place of superabundant ideas and influences. The emptiness of the Desert becomes a space for original creation and a promise of return to the Eliadian illo tempore, time of absolute beginnings. As a conclusion, one may say that the art of intellectual life consists in uninterrupted oscillation between the extremes: the Garden of crisscrossing influences and the Desert of original solitude.
Komunitaryzm jako liberalizm odpowiedzialny - filozofia dobra Charlesa Taylora
(Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski, 2012) Koźmiński, Krzysztof; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The liberal-communitarian 'debate' is generally perceived as one of the most important intellectual conflicts in modern political philosophy. The essay presents Charles Taylor's ideas on 'self, 'identity', 'naturalism' and human freedom. Canadian philosopher (often classified as communitarian although he prefers the epithet 'republican'), criticizes 'L(iberal) team members' such as Isaiah Berlin, Robert Nozick and John Rawls. According to Charles Taylor 'atomistic' political theories cause selfishness, justify egoism and promote moral relativism. These ideas lead to 'rights-talk', permissiveness and political correctness. Taylor argues that political atomism is associated with the concept of 'negative liberty'. Taylor emphasizes that identity is a matter of dialogical self-interpretation. In other words, human freedom is 'situated,' because its implementation is dependent on interpersonal relationships, social and moral commitments, particular culture and tradition. Despite the fact Taylor rejects Berlin's 'negative liberty', John Gray's 'modus-vivendi', Ronald Dworkin's theory of rights and Judith Shklar's 'liberalism of fear', it is hard to consider him as coherent anti-liberal. It appears that Taylor's ideas mat be considered as a synthesis of both liberal and communitarian conceptions.
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