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OPEN Repository

Welcome to OPEN - the Repository of Open Scientific Publications, run by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, previously operating as the CeON Repository. The Repository enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts.

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23002 archived items

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Psychologia w Szkole Głównej
(Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2017-05-29) Makuch, Damian; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The aim of this article is to present lectures of psychology which took place at the Main School (as a part of the course of logic) and to demonstrate influence they had on positivists worldview. The author analyzes lectures and publications of professors (especially Henryk Struve, but also Wiktor Feliks Szokalski and Kazimierz Kaszewski). Although their works still refered to the Hegelian philosophy and Polish idealism, professors were interested in modern science which uses experience and observation. As the author proves on the basis of works of Julian Ochorowicz, (Henryk Struve’s student) it turns out that young positivists may be seen as students who were developing and continuing their professors ideas
Fantastyka naukowa polskich pozytywistów – szczególnie trudna ewolucja gatunku
(Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego, 2013) Makuch, Damian; Uniwersytet Warszawski
The author wonders why despite favourable conditions of the Polish positivists’ programme, development of science fiction was hampered. He analyzes mainly scientific and technical motives, and examines related genres (mainly utopia). As a reason of slow development he finds extraliterary factors (didacticism and a sense of mission in literature after the January Uprising). At the same time, he questions the idea that the lack of science fiction works resulted from dominant realism. The article contains as well interpretation of the works which belong to the discussed genre: suspicious of the progress of Bolesław Prus’s prose works and Sygurd Wiśniowski’s short stories, closest to “pure” science fiction.