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Chińskie prywatne firmy bezpieczeństwa wobec wyzwań i zagrożeń globalnego rynku usług bezpieczeństwa
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2024) Marszałek, Piotr Krzysztof; Adamczyk, Marcin; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
The phenomenon of security privatization has undeniably become global in nature. One of the most characteristic manifestations of this process is the emergence of an increasing number of private security companies (PSCs). Their client portfolios include international organizations, states, corporations, and private individuals. The business model of these entities took shape in the last decade of the 20th century, where they are typically private companies independent of government. Thanks to private capital, they offer a diverse range of both military and non-military security services. A notable development in the well-established PSC market is the emergence of Chinese companies providing such services. However, their modus operandi—similar to that of Russian companies—differs significantly from established market standards. This article seeks to explore the specific characteristics of private security companies established in the People's Republic of China (PRC), the factors shaping the regulatory frameworks governing these entities, and their preparedness for addressing challenges and threats arising from dynamic changes in the international system. The research utilizes a systems analysis approach, as the global PSC market now plays a crucial role in maintaining order in international relations. Additionally, an institutional-legal method is employed to examine Chinese regulatory solutions in the security sector, particularly the issue of access to firearms. The authors primarily relied on foreign literature, with domestic sources playing a secondary role in their research.
China’s New Silk Road Project as the Realisation of the Geopolitical Concept of a Continental and Maritime Power
(Wydawnictwo Adam Marszałek, 2024-11) Adamczyk, Marcin; Grabowiec, Piotr; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
This article is a theoretical consideration of the New Silk Road (NSR) project as in an attempt to reconcile the classical geopolitical concepts of continental power by Halford J. Mackinder and Nicolas Spykman and maritime power by Alfred T. Mahan. Indeed, in geopolitical terms, the project is yet another attempt in history to create a land-sea power as a counterweight to a hegemony based strictly on maritime dominance. It should be emphasized that the project itself, in addition to the geopolitical dimension, has a subsidiary political-propaganda and economic dimension. The former encompasses a broad spectrum of activities that use psychosocial and political foreign policy tools and that aim to rally states that could potentially join the NJS project. The economic dimension is a contribution to the further expansion of China's power on the one hand, and an opportunity to deepen political ties with these countries on the other. These three approaches, as well as the relationship between them, will be analyzed in depth within a framework of China's endeavor to establish a continental and maritime power.
Przyznanie się do popełnienia przestępstwa na etapie postępowania wykonawczego w kontekście warunkowego przedterminowego zwolnienia z odbywania reszty kary
(Naczelna Rada Adwokacka, 2024-09-20) Malicki, Andrzej; Krawczyk, Przemysław; Izba Adwokacka we Wrocławiu; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Artykuł ten stanowi próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie – czy antycypacja poglądu o swojej niewinności może być uznana za przejaw wyrazu braku skruchy i krytycyzmu w stosunku do przypisanego skazanemu przestępstwa, a przez to być przesłanką negatywną do udzielenia warunkowego przedterminowego zwolnienia z odbywania reszty kary. Autorzy koncentrują swoje rozważania wokół dwóch kwestii, a to przesłanek diagnostycznych prognozy kryminologicznej oraz możliwości egzekwowania przez podsądnego prawa do obrony (w aspekcie materialnym) poprzez prezentowanie linii obrony odmiennej – bądź też zupełnie przeciwnej – do stanu faktycznego ustalonego w prawomocnych wyrokach sądów (wyroku sądu), na mocy którego odbywana jest przezeń kara pozbawienia wolności. Rozważania prowadzone w tym artykule dają podstawę do wniosku, że przyznawanie się do (czy też raczej potwierdzanie) swojego sprawstwa na etapie postępowania wykonawczego jest irrelewantne dla możliwości stawiania pozytywnej prognozy kryminologicznej podsądnemu wyrażającej się w przekonaniu, że będzie on przestrzegał porządku prawnego, a w szczególności nie popełni ponownie przestępstwa.
In the Circle of Power: Friends of King Vladislav IV Vasa
(Taylor&Francis, 2023-07-27) Ziober, Aleksandra; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Any early modern ruler had to have devoted supporters. Most of them gathered around the king in order to obtain specific official and financial benefits, and sometimes they had similar political views to the monarch. However, this issue looked a bit different in relation to Vladislav IV Vasa, king of Poland and grand duke of Lithuania, who was considered by the nobility as a sympathetic and easy-going ruler (as opposed to his more secretive father, Sigismund III). Vladislav was a king who made friendships easily, and people close to him were very clearly at the centre of influence and thus political power. One of the main objectives of this article is to indicate when and how the magnates established private contacts with Vladislav as prince and how they developed once he became king. A separate issue discussed centres on categories related to the understanding of friendship as an element of privacy in the early modern period. Through an in-depth analysis of the letters and memoirs left by the elite of the Polish-Lithuanian state, case studies of private friendships emerge, including the King’s close relationships with Adam Kazanowski, Jan Stanislaw Sapieha, Gerard Denhoff, Aleksander Ludwik Radziwiłł, Krzysztof Radziwiłł and several others.
Wokół procesów kumulacji i dywersyfikacji władzy. Zapis debaty nad książką "Jedność i podział władzy" Artura Ławniczaka z udziałem Mieszka Ciesielskiego i Arkadiusza Lewandowskiego
(Fundacja Otaczaj Blaskiem, 2024-01-15) Ławniczak, Artur; Ciesielski, Mieszko; Lewandowski, Arkadiusz; Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu; Uniwersytet Kazimierza Wielkiego w Bydgoszczy; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
The discussion on Artur Ławniczak's "Jedność i podział władzy" [Unity and Division of Power], was focused on three issues: religious sources of state author ities (power), the advantages and disadvantages of Montesquieu’s tripartition of powers, and the nature and threats of totalitarianism.