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Sympozjon Platona-Struktura i zarys recepcji dialogu
(Polskie Forum Filozoficzne, 2014) Pacewicz, Artur; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
The paper is a prolegomena to the reading of the Plato’s dialogue Symposium. It is divided on two sections. The first is devoted to the structure of the dialogue and the main streams of the interpretation. The second presents the main interpretative traditions of the dialogue to the end of antiquity.
Teles. Fragmenty
(WNUMK & IFIS PAN, 2013) Pacewicz, Artur; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Tłumaczenie fragmentów Telesa Cynika wraz z opracowaniem.
Cynizm epoki hellenistycznej-Teles
(WNUMK & IFIS PAN, 2013) Pacewicz, Artur; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Hedonistyczny wątek w platońskim Fedonie - uproszczenie Olimpiodora
(Wydawnictwo Naukowe Instytutu Filozofii UAM, 2014) Pacewicz, Artur; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
While the aim of the present paper is to analyze Olympiodorus’ commentary to Plato’s "Phaedo", particular attention will be paid here to the role of hēdonē. The first part of the text presents the four conceptions of the pleasure that can be found in Plato’s dialogue. Although pleasure does not play the most prominent role either in the Plato’s dialogue or in the Neoplatonic commentary, Olympiodorus’ attitude to this issue reveals an important change and difference between the philosophical views of Plato and those of Olympiodorus. The latter does not seem to discern the possibility that pleasure can have its spiritual dimension (which Plato regards as possible). Thus, the experience of hēdonē is reduced solely to the sphere of the senses and even in this area its role needs to be minimized: in this form it has to be carefully measured and controled. Furthermore, Olympiodorus does not see that so-called hedonistic calculus: whilst it is not strictly speaking connected with virtuous actions, it still can have some significance for the the philosopher’s life.
Przedarystotelesowskie rozważania nad kolorem
(Instytut Filozofii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2010) Pacewicz, Artur; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
The purpose of the paper is to reconstruct and to present the earliest conceptions of the colours in Greek philosophy.The subject-matter of the analysis are the fragments of the pre-socratic philosophers and the Plato’s dialogue "Timaeus".In the first part of the paper are presented the examples of the colour objects, which in the earliest, non-philosophical Greek literature can be found.The second part is devoted to the analysis of the Empedoclean and Democritean theories of colour. These two philosophers were the authors of the fullest and the most influential, as it seems, concepts of colour before Plato. The founder of the Academy alludes to these theories in the "Timaeus" and he developes them creatively.