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Przedstawienia rodziny w komiksie – uwikłania ideologiczne
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Gulanowski, Jacek; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Comics (despite its history dating back to the end of 19 century) is still a medium undervalued and underestimated. However, in comics one may discover role models important for the readers, who shape their own understanding of family, aims of family life or proper forms of its realization by accepting, negating or reinterpreting those role models. The aim of comics is the creation (within one piece) of a language understood by as many readers as possible. Popularity of comic books, specificity of its forms of expression and relatively low cost of “production” made possible attempts of the use of this for ideological goals since its very beginnings. Those attempts have been made by both groups at power as well as those who tried to resist their pressure. Ideological entanglement is not only observed in the case of comics consciously used for spreading a specific agenda. It also exists in comics, which, according to their authors, “only tell a story”. Those entanglements arise from the worldview of the creators or references to other comics, which were in any way ideologically entangled. One of the features of the comics portrayal of family is that family usually is a part of the background, not the main theme. There are two main kinds of family portrayal in comics: criticism and affirmation. Even though family is not one of the main themes of comics it may be considered the “litmus paper” of comics ideological entanglement. Family is the oldest human institution, being both a and . It can be thus stated, that one's relation to the family is one's relation to the traditional world.
Narzeczeństwo – dawne i współczesne. Zmiana w sposobie przygotowania się do małżeństwa
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Ładyżyński, Andrzej; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
19 and 20 century morals guides written for persons in diverse life situations constitute a basis for the article presented. The decoding of the contemporary and historic meanings of engagement was attempted from that perspective. Pre-marital relationships would always constitute an important stage of transition. Their arranging initially depended on the senior members of families, with the feelings and opinions of the engaged hardly ever taken into account. Changes in the forms of establishing and functioning of relationships preceding marriage took place in the second half of the 20 century.
Rola rodziny w samorozwoju młodzieży
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Prokosz, Małgorzata; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
The Study the matter of the meaning of the family in the self development of the youth. The authoress analyses the present situation of Polish families, often difficult and leading to the dysfunction. The meaning of Socialization analyses in the family then, and the basic dimension of the young man self – realization brings more closer. Treating to own investigations he undertakes the test of the answer on the question: What do the pupils ofWroclaw aw average schools undertake workings for the own development? Considerations drawing the painting of the self - realization of the citizens of Wroclaw aw young generation finish the text. The main conclusions: the present youth be subject to civilization changeability and to her adjusts on her way. Broadcasting money transfer important is in the family, but the plurality of elections gives the unrestricted range of the possibility of functioning in the adult life to young people. The family stimulates to younger members self – realization her in two dimensions: sensible and unaware. The present youth knows social ploughlands, which maybe (he should) fulfil yet he still lasts in the period of the moratorium (more pragmatic than rebellious) not undertaking rash decisions on the future, trying pit with the plurality of the offers of the present world. Creating the new areas of the own activity, seeking the own place in the changing world the teenage generation can so support family values, broadcasting examples in the future.
Znaczenie nieobecności ojca w narracjach Dorosłych Dzieci Rozwiedzionych Rodziców
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Piotrowska, Maja; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
For the years our thinking about parenthood was dominated for the scheme of relation mother – child. Contemporary the role the father plays in the family and during bring up the child is more preciours. The role of father in the family is of Vital importance, but many fathers cannot play it. Beside good ones, there are also the absent, weak and “poisonous” fathers. “Poisonous” fathers are the worst ones - destroying the childs' personality by using physical or psychological violence.Agood father is a real gift in the childs' life. This article presents the narrations of theAdult Children of Parents' Divorce regarding their fathers from their childhood. The article shows huge fathers' influence on the life and social development their children. That is proved, that divorce breakes off the emontional and spiritual bonds between parents (expecialy fathers) and their children after divorce.
Komunikacja niewerbalna jako wyraz więzi w rodzinie
(Karkonoska Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa w Jeleniej Górze, 2011) Ferenz, Krystyna; Uniwersytet Wrocławski
Family is the basic and immediate environment of human life, in which one becomes a person. It is in that social circle that all of the most important needs – existential, conscious and emotional – are being fulfilled. The mutual understanding of the family members creates a plane for integration. A feeling of community is constructed upon it. Interpersonal relationships called social relations are becoming important to everyone. Their character and strength of bond vary. The underlying powers are also diverse. The family as a unique social group has its own codes of communication, including a nonverbal code. Its understanding and correct decoding is made possible through social experience originating in a common circle. Direct contact dominates in this type of communication, with the phatic function being the most important one. Communicating in this way bears a strong emotional charge, which makes it the best means for transferring values. Competence of the users is shaped by the emotional bond between the members of the family.