OPEN Repository
Welcome to OPEN - the Repository of Open Scientific Publications, run by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling, University of Warsaw, previously operating as the CeON Repository. The Repository enables Polish researchers from all fields to openly share their articles, books, conference materials, reports, doctoral theses, and other scientific texts.
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22936 archived items
Institutional Communities
- Loading...Police Academy in Szczytno [75]
- Loading...Centrum Badań Molekularnych i Makromolekularnych PAN [0]
- Loading...ICM UW [101]
- Loading...Instytut Badań Literackich PAN [186]
- Loading...Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN [181]
- Loading...Instytut Chemii Organicznej PAN [132]
- Loading...Jerzy Haber Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry PAS [21]
- Loading...Instytut Paleobiologii PAN [2]
- Loading...Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki WO UW [131]
- Loading...Katedra Języków i Kultur Afryki WO UW [21]
- Loading...OBM UW [131]
- Loading...Uczelnia Łazarskiego [126]
- Loading...Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu [92]
- Loading...Wydawnictwo Naukowe PTG [284]
- Loading...Wydział Lingwistyki Stosowanej UW [48]
- Loading...Wydział Polonistyki UW [339]
Recent Submissions
Editorial: Social, Technological and Health Innovation: Opportunities and Limitations for Social Policy, Health Policy, and Environmental Policy
(Frontiers Media, 2022) Klimczuk, Andrzej; Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena; Felix, Jorge; Department of Public Policy, Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland; University of São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
Innovation is progressively needed in responding to global challenges. Moreover, the increasing complexity of challenges implies demand for the usage of multisectoral and policy mix approaches. Wicked problems can be tackled by "integrated innovation" that combines the coordinated implementation of social, technological, and health innovation co-created by entities of the public sector, the private sector, the non-governmental sector, and the informal sector. This Research Topic focuses on filling the knowledge gaps about the selected types of innovation. First, regarding social innovation that can be understood as new strategies, concepts, products, services, and organizational forms that allow the satisfaction of human needs. Second, a technological innovation that refers to new or remarkably improved products, goods, or services in terms of their technical specifications, components, materials, software, design, or other functional features. Third, health innovation that focuses on novel or enhanced health policies, systems, products, technologies, services, and care delivery schemes to improve people's health. Finally, this Research Topic highlights attempts to develop integrated innovation that can add value to social policy, health policy, and environmental policy by improving efficiency, effectiveness, quality, sustainability, safety, and affordability.
Editorial: Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Socio-Economic Systems in the Post-Pandemic World: Design Thinking, Strategic Planning, Management, and Public Policy
(Frontiers Media, 2022) Klimczuk, Andrzej; Berde, Eva; Dovie, Delali A.; Klimczuk-Kochańska, Magdalena; Spinelli, Gabriella; Department of Public Policy, Collegium of Socio-Economics, SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland; Department of Microeconomics, Demography and Economics Research Centre, Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary; Centre for Ageing Studies, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana; Faculty of Management, University of Warsaw, Poland; Brunel Design School, Brunel University London, Uxbridge, United Kingdom
The declaration of the COVID-19 pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, led to unprecedented events. All regions of the world participated in implementing preventive health measures such as physical distancing, travel restrictions, self-isolation, quarantines, and facility closures. The pandemic started global disruption of socio-economic systems, covering the postponement or cancellation of public events, supply shortages, schools and universities' closure, evacuation of foreign citizens, a rise in unemployment and inflation, misinformation, the anti-vaccine movement, and incidents of discrimination toward people affected by or suspected of having coronavirus disease. Attempts have been made to protect the oldest age group at risk, but in many cases, this has led to over-restriction and age discrimination. The rationale for working on the Research Topic "Socio-economic systems in the post-pandemic world: Design thinking, strategic planning, management, and public policy" was the need to start reflecting on resilience and lessons learned from this public health event that revealed the global unpreparedness in critical areas. Also, the pandemic triggered both top-down (e.g., policy tools toward labor markets) and bottom-up (e.g., social and technological innovations in education) responses that needed more in-depth analyzes. This Research Topic covers interdisciplinary contributions addressing new thinking, challenges, and transformations required for post-pandemic global, national, regional, and local realities. The presented Research Topic combines studies focused on recognizing the actions and interventions leading to the recovery of socio-economic systems during the tail end and after the pandemic. The studies delivered recommendations regarding, among others, the care of vulnerable, planning socio-economic restart, and imagining the "new normal."
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