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Morska współpraca transgraniczna na wybranych przykładach z regionu Morza Bałtyckiego
(Wydział Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2002) Palmowski, Tadeusz; Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Oceanografii i Geografii, Instytut Geografii, Katedra Geografii Rozwoju Regionalnego
„Transborder sea region" constitutes a complex of most frequently two fragments of the socio-economic space neighbouring across the sea, having certain common or supplementing features. Its structure has a bicentric character. In the settling network, it is dominated by two complexes of ports and towns located opposite each other on both coasts of the sea. Regions having maritime borders are located on both internal and external borders of the European Union. A large part of the Baltic border regions is of peripheral character in relation to the national economic centres. The transborder option (towards the sea) began to develop only at the threshold of the third millennium, and it aims at transforming the status of two peripheries located on the opposite coasts of the sea into one integrated, bicentric maritime unit. It may make use of all assistance means that have appeared in Europe during the several recent years. Despite substantial diversity, it is possible to distinguish several common problems and questions for border regions of that type. They are concentrated on the common sea border, include solving communication problems between regions and accessibility to the transborder region, and wider markets that used to be limited by the natural spatial barrier constituted by the sea. The co-operation is also focused on common problems connected with protection of the sea environment, sea tourism, protection of the coastal line,use of sea resources (renewable sources of energy) and safety on the sea, cooperation of rescue services, etc. Moreover, common historic and cultural links and commercial traditions often feature the regions having sea borders. In Baltic Europe the regions that are the most involved into developing the transborder maritime co-operation include: - Storstrøm (Denmark) - Ostholstein (Germany). In 1998, the co-operation area was extended by the STRING project (South-Western Baltic Sea Transregional Area - Inventing New Geography) and it covers Hamburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Storstrøm, Western Zealand, Copenhagen, and Skania. - Øresund (Denmark - Sweden), - Archipelago Cooperation (Sweden/Finland), - Kvarken MittSkandia (Finland/Sweden), - Southern Finland - Estonia, - Bornholm - South-Eastern Skania (Denmark/Sweden), - Fyn - KERN (Denmark/Germany), - Baltic Sea Island (B7), - Euroregion Baltic, - Euroregion Pomerania. The factor that joins the community of Baltic Europe, from the viewpoint of civilisation and culture, is the maritime tradition that consolidates consciousness of common fate and interests and teaches the mutual respect for linguistic, cultural and religious separateness. The sea regions of transborder co-operation, being shaped contemporarily, constitute one of the essential elements on this way. They are a starting point for further decisions and actions leading to the full Baltic integration. The European Union and the Council of Europe have clearly stressed since the mid-1990s that the Baltic region is important for the European integration and have shown a great interest in development of co-operation of the countries around the sea. The idea referred to as "The Baltic Sea as the Mediterranean Sea of the North"5 is strongly supported by the Baltic states that belong to the EU. Its purpose is reinforcement of the Baltic "component" in Europe by means of elaborating a separate policy towards the region and by assistance programmes of the EU. The shaped Baltic Europe may shift in the future the European centre of gravity from the Atlantic zone and partially the Mediterranean zone in the north-eastern direction that may become an important region on the map of the United Europe.
Rola Via Hanseatici w strategii i programie rozwoju południowej części Europy Bałtyckiej
(Wydział Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2003) Palmowski, Tadeusz; Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Oceanografii i Geografii, Instytut Geografii, Katedra Geografii Rozwoju Regionalnego
Porty Gdańska i Gdyni - konkurencja czy współpraca?
(Wydział Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego, 2004) Palmowski, Tadeusz; Uniwersytet Gdański, Wydział Oceanografii i Geografii, Instytut Geografii, Katedra Geografii Rozwoju Regionalnego
Sea ports, liberated from the central management system have recently been subject to structural transformations in accordance with worldwide trends. The key problems in spatial development of ports are related to the diversification of their business activity. Ports are undergoing gradual conversion from typical transport junctions, land - sea nodes focusing on cargo handling and storage, into economic bodies spatially and functionally embracing varied business directly or indirectly linked with the logistic delivery chain, sustaining the sea- land transport chains. Introduction of market economy, considerable degree of port independence, various privatisation procedures and individual concepts and development strategies of the ports in Gdynia and Gdansk have resulted in visible symptoms of keen competition between them. An element of competition between distanced ports is logical if the cargo 'hesitates' which port to chose. In case of Gdansk and Gdynia there should be no hesitation as there is an only one cargo stream not two separate Gdansk and Gdynia stream. There is no need for developing an alternative route through competitive investments. Market research, investments, specification of business areas should be done jointly, communicated and accepted by Voievedship self-governmental authorities. The concept of integrating the ports of Gdynia and Gdansk has been evolving for some time now. There are many signs indicating the purposefulness of such a step. The strategies of the two ports assume alternative development options depending on what happens 'next door'. Developing a mechanism which would lead to a common investment policy and unified development strategy is a superior objective. One of the constructive concepts foresees a capital merge. Another concept, based on Dutch experience, proposes establishment of state treasury company „Porty Gdansk- Gdynia", with the state treasury, municipalities of Gdańsk and Gdynia, the airport and SKM (fast municipal trains) being the shareholders. A public company so structured would be the main player of the Pomeranian Voievodship in developing a transport junction, economic zones, a cluster with its investment policy transparent to the regions society.