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Recent Submissions
Islamic political movement in Malaysia
(Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2004) Jelonek, Adam; Institute of Middle and Far Eastern Studies, Jagiellonian University
The global revival of Islam that began in the early 1970s has been widely discussed. The resurgence of Islam has predominantly been a political phenomenon that emerged when the existing social and political agenda of established institutions and their protagonists were perceived to have failed. Although Islamic revivalism has been global in nature, with many of the issues it brought forth being transnational in character, national boundaries remain the frame of reference within which Muslim contestations occur. This paper is a study of the origins and evolution of Muslim politics in Malaysia. As a background survey, it is primarily concerned with the early coming of Islam to the Malay world and developments up to about the mid-1970s. It will conclude, taking into account Malay-Islamic politics up to the 1990s, by identifying comparable patterns and potential future trends in Malay-Islamic politics.
Grammatical redundancy and the process of teaching literary Arabic
(Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2004) Siwiec, Paweł; Institute of Middle and Far Eastern Studies, Jagiellonian University
Redundancy in the literary Arabic is particularly significant on the grammatical level. It manifests itself in the omission of a number of morphological and syntactical formants in the spoken language like the indefinite article suffix, case and gender affixes etc. This property of the Arabic language had drawn attention of the earliest Arab philologists as they were working out principles of the so-called waqf, i.e. the syntactic pause. Those principles, however, applied only to the techniques of recitation of poetry and sacred texts as well as oratorical speeches. But the mere fact that the neutralization of some grammatical morphemes was in specific contexts considered permissible is nothing else but a clear signal that these morphemes are to a certain degree redundant.
Women on the Arab labour market. Option becoming reality
(Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2004) Górak-Sosnowska, Katarzyna; Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw; Department of Economic Sociology, Warsaw School of Economics
The key potential of Arab economies, currently rather turning into their curse, is the human capital. According to the Arab Human Development Report 2002 there are approximately 6 million entrants yearly to the Arab labour market (UNDP 2002: 10) and the labour force is expected to grow in the next 10 years to 3,4% yearly―twice as much as in other developing regions (World Bank 2003: 3). The ‘demographic gift’―the growing number of labour force and decreasing dependency ratio, might lead to economic growth―if used properly. However, in case of most Arab countries, labour demand doesn’t meet the supply, which translates into huge unemployment rates, being among the highest in the world.
Alcohol and its Consumption in Medieval Cairo. The Story of a Habit
(Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2004) Lewicka, Paulina B.; Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw
Contrary to what the Islamic prohibition of intoxicants might imply, the alcoholic beverages in medieval Cairo were not universally scorned. The attitude towards drinking depended on the time in history and the social setting but, generally, neither the local population, nor the members of the foreign ruling elites, nor the multinational soldiery garrisoned within the city area, were avowed abstainers. Generally, different social groups drank different drinks. Particular preferences of the Mamluks notwithstanding, the city population enjoyed, above all, wine and beer, two basic kinds of alcohol drunk in the Mediterranean-Near Eastern world since remote antiquity. And, as in antiquity, but also as in Europe of the Middle Ages, the choice between them was a matter of social standing: grain beer, whose production was easier and cheaper, was generally the drink of the common people, while wine, more expensive due to its tricky fermentation and the demands of viticulture, was the beverage of the rich.
The Nile River in Muslim Geographical Sources
(Katedra Arabistyki i Islamistyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2004) Nazmi, Ahmad; Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies, University of Warsaw
The Arab Egyptians usually call this river Baḥr an-Nīl (The Sea of Nile). Travelers from other Islamic regions also adopted this name apparently because of its great length and width. Although the name An-Nīl does not explicitly appear in the Qur’ān, it appears as a metaphor and no doubt as a poetical allusion, in the word Yamm (Sea) in the story of Moses and the Egyptian Pharaoh. According to the anonymous author of Kitāb al-istibṣār, the Qur’ān calls it Yamm like in Hebrew while the Arabs call it Baḥr (Sea).
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