OPEN Repository

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Koncepcja pejzażu romantycznego na przykładzie twórczości Caspara Davida Friedricha na tle refleksji filozoficznych końca XVIII i początku XIX wieku
(Towarzystwo Doktorantów UJ, 2016) Kumięga, Patrycja; Uniwersytet Jagielloński
The article presents the concept of romantic landscapes on the example of the work of Caspar David Friedrich regarded as a model of the nineteenth century landscape. I recall the most influential thinkers whose philosophical and aesthetic concepts affect the crystallization of this type of landscape. I discuss a distinctive repertoire of leitmotives, their provenance and symbolic significance. Including the issues inherent in the new romantic knowledge and understanding of religion, which manifest themselves in relationships between man-nature, which gained the divine sense. The landscape through pantheistic concept had spiritual meaning, was composed in a subjective way, because he had to express the feelings of the artist. In the romantic landscapes are visible infinity and sublimity categories. All this is also accompanied by historical and patriotic themes.